
adj. 不重要的;不合理的;不合逻辑的


To Rose the blow is inconsequential compared to the blow her heart has been given. Cal grabs her shoulders roughly.
>> 泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997) Movie Script
61 INT. FIRST CLASS DINING SALOON - NIGHT SLOWLY PUSHING IN ON ROSE as she sits, flanked by people in heated conversation. Cal and Ruth are laughing together, while on the other side LADY DUFF-GORDON is holding forth animatedly. We don't hear what they are saying. Rose is staring at her plate, barely listening to the inconsequential babble around her.
>> 泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997) Movie Script
Pretty soon, stocks and savings were almost inconsequential.
>> The Big Short大空头(2015) Movie Script