

They pass a well-dressed young man cranking the handle of a wooden Biograph "cinematograph" camera mounted on a tripod. NANIEL MARVIN (whose father founded the Biograph Film Studio) is filming his young bride in front of the Titanic. MARY MARVIN stands stiffly and smiles, self conscious.
>> 泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997) Movie Script
She stops a well-dressed woman leaving the store.
>> 2024-6 Do you have a deck of cards?
EXT. TENEMENT BLOCK - DAY SIGNOR ROBERTO, a pompous, rather well-dressed Patrone angrily walks down the steps of one of his tenement buildings.
>> The Godfather: Part II 教父2 1974 Movie Script
The grounds are immaculate and huge, exquisitely kept and beautifully laid out. A gathering is around the pool and lawn area, where TREVOR and his team are having an exhibition for their guests. Polite applause is COMING FROM THE CROWD, ALL WELL-DRESSED AND OBVIOUSLY WELL-HEELED.
>> 花旗小和尚 American Shaolin (1992) Movie Script
A LARGE, WELL-DRESSED THUG sits down at the table. He takes a green bean from the Protagonist’s plate and chews it vacantly. This is VOLKOV. The Protagonist looks at Kat – PROTAGONIST (CONT'D) Friend of your husband?
>> 信条Tenet Movie Script
WELL-DRESSED MAN Service tunnels to sewers.
>> 信条Tenet Movie Script
WELL-DRESSED MAN We don’t know how old it is. It’s the real deal.
>> 信条Tenet Movie Script
>> 信条Tenet Movie Script
WELL-DRESSED MAN But I’ve established contact –
>> 信条Tenet Movie Script
We live in a twilight world... The Well-Dressed Man stares, shocked – PROTAGONIST (CONT'D) We live in a twilight world... WELL-DRESSED MAN (focuses) And there are no friends at dusk.
>> 信条Tenet Movie Script
Ukrainian SWATs pour out of the SWAT van – The Americans JUMP out of the back of their van, SLIPPING UNNOTICED INTO THE STREAM OF SWATS pouring into the lobby... INT. LOBBY, CONCERT HALL – CONTINUOUS SWATs mass at each entrance... the Protagonist watches GAS CANISTERS brought in TO THE AIR-CONDITIONING SYSTEM. The SWATs pull on GAS MASKS... INT. BOX, CONCERT HALL – CONTINUOUS A WELL-DRESSED MAN sitting next to a UNIFORMED OFFICIAL looks down into the stalls – people SLUMP, UNCONSCIOUS, IN A WAVE... He turns to the Official – who motions calm, draws a SIDEARM... INT. THEATRE, CONCERT HALL – CONTINUOUS A Terrorist wets a rag in a drinking fountain, ties it around his nose and mouth. Others have WORKMAN’S RESPIRATORS AND FACE MASKS. They COCK THEIR WEAPONS, preparing... INT. LOBBY, CONCERT HALL – CONTINUOUS THE SWATS BREACH – POURING into the theatre – exchange GUNFIRE with the TERRORISTS... INT. CURVING CORRIDOR – DAY RUNNING. Fast but silent... FOLLOW the four Americans – they hit a junction – hand signals – they SPLIT two ways – FOLLOW two of them – one of them PEELS OFF up a staircase – FOLLOW the last, the Protagonist – checking each box... INT. BOX, CONCERT HALL – CONTINUOUS The Protagonist BURSTS in – takes out the Official beside the Well-Dressed Man –
>> 信条Tenet Movie Script
As Carla Jean goes to the station a man emerges from a car pulled up behind. He is a well-dressed Mexican of early middle age.
>> 老无所依No Country for Old Men Movie Script