
n. 糖;食糖;甜言蜜语


Say I want to short sugar.>>完整场景
- To stabilize the blood sugar.>>完整场景
Commander, if I had a coronary condition, and a perfectly clean rag was placed in my mouth, and the rag was accidentally pushed too far down, is it possible that my cells would continue burning sugar after the rag was taken out?>>完整场景
And what caused Santiago's muscles and other cells to start burning sugar?>>完整场景
How long does it take for the muscles and other cells to begin burning oxygen instead of sugar?>>完整场景
If the muscles and other cells of the body burn sugar instead of oxygen, lactic acid is produced. That lactic acid is what caused Santiago's lungs to bleed.>>完整场景
Skin them and prick them, boil them in sugar.>>完整场景
Buy me a drink, sugar.>>完整场景
Just wait right there, sugar.>>完整场景
Please. Uh, cream and sugar.>>完整场景
HoId on, Sugar.>>完整场景
And poor old Marion... Edgar drops by for a cup of sugar, and mother has his name engraved on the family crypt.>>完整场景
This diet of high-fructose corn syrup and refined carbohydrates leads to these spikes of insulin and, gradually, a wearing down of the system by which our body metabolizes sugar.>>完整场景
These things are very rare in nature Now sugar is available 24/7 in tremendous quantities.>>完整场景
The fact is we're hardwired to go for three tastes-- salt, fat and sugar.>>完整场景
That's right, sugar.>>完整场景
You wanna sell sugar water the rest of your life?>>完整场景
Vernita moves to another kitchen cabinet, and pulls down a box of the sugar cereal, "Kaboom.">>完整场景
Cream and sugar?>>完整场景
-Thanks, sugar.>>完整场景
EXT. COMMUNE IN NEW MEXICO - NIGHT A hippie gives Jenny a sugar cube of acid as they sit in front of a roaring fire.>>完整场景

INT. RESTAURANT - EVENING Malcolm hurriedly enters a spacious, dimly-lit Italian restaurant. He stops in the dining room and searches the many candle-lit tables. He finds Anna. Anna sits alone at a corner table. The remains of her half-eaten dinner lay on the only place setting on the table. A small PIECE OF CAKE WITH A CANDLE in it sits untouched. Anna stirs sugar in her coffee as Malcolm sits in the seat across from her. She gently stops stirring, but doesn't look up. Beat.
And I want to get into my apartment and go to work. Please, what do you say, another cup of coffee? Two pots are warming behind the counter, he reaches over and refills her cup and his. Pushes a container and pitcher to- wards her. YOUNG MAN (cont'd) I see you use lots of sugar and cream. Me, too... They smile at each other, fix up their coffee. EXT. PARRISH COMMUNICATIONS, NEW YORK CITY - DAY A magnificent granite building, a monument to good taste in the midtown sea of glass and aluminum. INT. OUTER LOBBY, PARRISH COMMUNICATIONS - DAY Parrish and Drew enter, no particular fanfare but an aware- ness the 'Chief' has arrived, everyone giving Parrish the appropriate wide berth, Drew right beside him.>>完整场景