
n. 背部;后面;靠背;足球等的后卫;书报等的末尾


I'm sorry about the chalices, chap but I have an appointment to keep. I'll not be goin back.>>完整场景
Put it back!>>完整场景
Back, back. We have to balance it out.>>完整场景
Yes, what makes you think he will come back ?>>完整场景
- Sparrow? What makes you think he will come back ?>>完整场景
- Well then we'll chuckle back.>>完整场景
Ever walk on the beach, look back and see your footsteps in the sand ?>>完整场景
Cowards ! Back in the water !>>完整场景
Still your body swam three times around your ship and climbed back on board.>>完整场景
- I seen the name, on the back of the ship.>>完整场景
- Back to work !>>完整场景
Welcome back to his majesties Navy Master Gibbs.>>完整场景
You've stolen me. And I'm here to take meself back.>>完整场景
So come back up.>>完整场景
And if it fits through, do we think we can turn around the ROV on the other side of that door and fly it back out.>>完整场景
- [Narrator] After investigating the wreckage for more than three hours, the team decides to call it a day, and to pull the ROV back out.>>完整场景
- If not, we'll back out.>>完整场景
- We're just flying over that table that we see from that open porthole, with the light fixture, and we're moving towards the aft of the ship, towards this cabinet back here.>>完整场景
- [Narrator] But for him, just this first look inside has brought his old home back to life.>>完整场景
- It sure brings back a lot of memories.>>完整场景
- You can't travel all that far into the vessel because you need to be able to turn around and come back out, you might get snagged as you go around a corner, all sorts of different things can happen once you're in the ship.>>完整场景
- You know, for somebody like Don, who has done so much and given so much, to be able to give anything back to him is an honor, and something that we hope to be able to achieve.>>完整场景
- [Narrator] Back at the site where he fought for his life, Don is curious to see what's left of his ship.>>完整场景
- They created this really cool solution, which is essentially a big spool that pays out the cable as you go in, and then picks the cable back up as you go out, and the advantage there is you're not always pulling on the cable to get it further into the vessel.>>完整场景
Dave will feed the ROV, and we'll take the second back, make sure everything works, that you guys have control, cameras, all that.>>完整场景