
adj. 哭泣的,滴水的;垂枝的


Cole-- MR. MARSCHAL What's going on there? Mr. Marschal strains to see across the room. Cole doesn't answer either of them. Instead, he continues to push the plant aside revealing AN AIR VENT. Cole gently reaches over and takes off the metal face. It slips right off. Cole's hands disappear into the darkness of the vent. They reemerge holding a STACK OF NOTEBOOKS.Malcolm becomes very still. Cole rises to his feet and carries the notebooks over to Mr. Marschal. Cole carefully places them on his lap. MR. MARSCHAL Is this for me? Mr. Marschal fingers the notebooks then reaches for his thick glasses hanging from his neck. He places them on the tip of his nose and inspects the notebooks six inches from his face. MR. MASCHAL What's this? Jill's keeping a diary. Malcolm takes an involuntary step forward. Mr. Marschal starts flipping through the notebooks. MR. MARSCHAL She's full of surprises... He gets to the last book. His hands become still as he stares at the final page of writing. MR. MARSCHAL (whispers) She hasn't written anything for some time. Beat. Mr. Marschal slowly looks up from the notebooks. Looks up to Cole. Cole just stands quietly. Mr. Marschal's eyes slowly fill with tears of realization. They gently spill down his weathered face. MR. MARSCHAL Oh no... Cole takes a deep breath. Trying hard not to cry himself. The sight of Mr. Marschal weeping shakes Cole. Cole softly lays his hand on Mr. Marschal's silver hair. Mr. Marschal reaches up and clutches his small hand. They stay like that for a while. Beat. Mr. Marschal lets go and brings the notebooks tighter to his body. Cole quietly walks to Malcolm who stands motionless. He stares down at Cole in a daze. Cole turns his head, crying.
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