

The Crown has made it cIear The cIimate must be perfect AII the year A Iaw was made a distant moon ago here JuIy and August cannot be too hot And there's a IegaI Iimit to the snow here In CameIot The winter is forbidden tiII December And exits March the second on the dot By order, summer Iingers through September In CameIot CameIot I know it sounds a bit bizarre But in CameIot That's how conditions are The rain may never faII tiII after sundown By eight the morning fog must disappear In short, there's simpIy not A more congeniaI spot For happiIy-ever-aftering Than here in CameIot And I suppose the autumn Ieaves faII into neat IittIe piIes?
>> 伏魔神剑Camelot Movie Script
It's sundown.
>> The Mask Movie Script
She looks up and sees Pai Mei, golden bow in his hand, looking down on her. It's sundown.
>> 杀死比尔Kill Bill Movie Script
PAI MEI * You are to go into that pit, and catch that rat, with your bare hands. If you catch the rat, I will deem you the victor, and tonight you will dine on bird. But, if you can't catch the rat by sundown, I'll deem the victor the rat. And because of the disgrace to my student, I will be forced to kill it. And then I will force you, to consume his body. Because to be my student, you must develop a taste for victory.
>> 杀死比尔Kill Bill Movie Script
You wanna play for free, go to Vegas. You start now you'll be there by sundown.
>> 杀死比尔Kill Bill Movie Script