
n. 爆震音;卡答卡答的故障声音


GORDON watches them go by before knocking on an office door marked, "Dr. Patricia Holcomb, MD, Ph.D. Director.' INT. PATRICIA HOLCOMB'S OFFICE - AFTERNOON.
>> 蝙蝠侠:元年 Batman: Year One Movie Script
He throws a right cross — CRUNCH! — dropping the GUNMAN, knocking away his 9mm just as - BANG! - he pulls the trigger, missing the child.
>> 蝙蝠侠:元年 Batman: Year One Movie Script
THEN... Knocking down a swig of Jack Daniels, he removes a small silver cell phone from his pants pocket, raises the antenna, and presses one button on the panel.
>> 杀死比尔Kill Bill Movie Script
Three more bullets rip into the Bride, the Bride fires up at Yuki, hitting her three times in the body, knocking her off her feet, and sending her tumbling down the stairs.
>> 杀死比尔Kill Bill Movie Script
The Bride fires... The Bride's bullet wings Yuki in the left breast, knocking her through a bedroom doorway.
>> 杀死比尔Kill Bill Movie Script
O-REN'S FEET White socks in wooden clogs, walk forward, Crunching Snow underneath them... The BRIDE Holding Sword...Eyes reflected in Blade...her Yellow Sneakers Crunching snow underneath them... O-REN when her Sword is fully unsheathed, the Japanese combat artist holds both arms straight out at her sides, Sword in one hand - Wood sheath in the other, like a bird. .The Two Women circle each other.... They SWING - CLASH - DANCE - SEPARATE...CIRCLE...SWING - CLASH - DANCE - SEPARATE... O-REN LEAPS in the air does a Somersault over the Bride's head, landing behind her opponent. She brings her Sword down in a Slashing Swing... SLASHING The BRIDE across her back - Spinning her around... O-Ren goes in for the kill...The Bride meets her blade... The Blades Clash and Lock...The Two Women's faces come together as the Blades become entangled... O-Ren moves her arm in a counter-clockwise motion that loosens the grip enough to bring her sword handle hard into The Bride's mouth... Knocking her backwards over a small, stone bench - Flat on her ass in a koi pond.
>> 杀死比尔Kill Bill Movie Script
The young bodyguard swats it out of the air with her ball and chain. She lifts up her chain and the boomerang lies bent, on the floor. She looks across at her opponent...WHOOSH... WHOOSH...WHOOSH..she LETS FLY. It Strikes the Bride in the chest, knocking her on her back Go Go twirls it over her head and sends it towards the Bride on the floor. The Bride rolls out of the way, the metal ball PUNCHES a hole in an overturned table instead.
>> 杀死比尔Kill Bill Movie Script
Someone's knocking.
>> 爱因斯坦神模式 Einstein's God Model Movie Script
Sounds like knocking.
>> 爱因斯坦神模式 Einstein's God Model Movie Script
I hear knocking.
>> 爱因斯坦神模式 Einstein's God Model Movie Script
EXT. MOSS'S TRAILER - DAY Wendell is knocking at its door. Sheriff Bell stands one step behind him.
>> 老无所依No Country for Old Men Movie Script
-Hey. -ELLIE:

Hey. My mom told me that Judy got into an accident.Yeah, she had a pretty bad fall at the department store, but I think that she's gonna be okay. I'm glad you're still here. Can't seem to stay away from this place. (BOTH CHUCKLE SOFTLY) Uh... You're leaving? Yeah. It, um, it's not that... I understand. It's not that I don't want to. -Thanks. -(LAUGHS) And Tommy's gonna miss you. He's wonderful. (CLICKS TONGUE) Yeah, I don't know what I would do without him. What about you? What's waiting for you back in LA? I broke up with my boyfriend. I'm gonna throw out the annoying roommate that I have and probably apply for that job that I've been dreaming about. Sounds like you'll be busy. -(KNOCKING ON DOOR) -(DOOR OPENS) Well, come on in, sweetheart. From the height you fell from, I'm gonna count ourselves lucky. I thought you said we wouldn't be seeing you again. (ELLIE CHUCKLES) You should leave, dear. Do you want to sleep? No, you should go back to your home. -Well... -No, don't overstay your visit. If you do that, then you won't want to come back. And I want you to come back with your brother and with my great grandkids. Why, I've never even seen them. But you have a broken knee. Well, there are doctors here. Besides, it'll give Bruce something to do. (CHUCKLES) You need to get home and find someone who'll make that furniture that you design. Now, give me a hug and you get out of here.
>> A Country Called Home Movie Script

Hi. -Morning. Uh, is this key for your bank? I believe it is. Let me see. I'll give you some privacy. (DINGS) -Hi. -Hi, uh, I'm here to pick up my father's ashes. Well, yes, but we've run into a slight problem with the urn. With the urn? The one you selected is not available right now and we have completely run out. Well, is there a different urn that I can put the ashes in? The one you purchased is the most competitively priced urn that we have and... Well, if you'd want to upgrade, we could... No, um, I don't want to do an upgrade. Uh... Is there anything else that you could use? (TRAIN HORN BLOWING) (KNOCKING ON DOOR)
>> A Country Called Home Movie Script

(ON PHONE) Hey, Ellie, what's up? Hi, James. Hey, I came by your place last night. Did you hear me knocking? I'm still in Texas. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, that's right. I came here 'cause of my father. Yeah. So, this is typically the moment when a boyfriend would ask a girlfriendif her father's doing okay or not. (SIGHS) You know I don't like to deal with sick people. You know that. James, I think we should break up. What? But I love you. What are you... No, you're not the kind of guy who should really date anyone, you know, you're more like a fun one-night stand and somehow I've let this continue for a year. You think I'm fun? Uh... James, I don't think we should date anymore. Starting when? When I hang up the phone. Well, in that case I won't let you hang up the phone... (JUDY GRUNTS) Are we early? I don't think so. (GUITAR PLAYING GENTLE SONG) (SONG ENDS) (EXHALES) Hello, everyone, and thanks for coming. I'd like to say a few words about Mark Edwards, who may not have been my legal husband here in Texas, but who will be, I know, waiting for me at the altar of heaven.
>> A Country Called Home Movie Script