
adj. 愉快的;好的;虔诚的;优良的


So be a good lad and take the wheel.>>完整场景
That's not good, is it?>>完整场景
Why don't we try good old fashioned stoning?>>完整场景
Or to come in without good cause.>>完整场景
So, not a very good kind.>>完整场景
Oh, that's a good boy!>>完整场景
Lt's just good business.>>完整场景
It's just good business.>>完整场景
Leaving it for the winning side, that's just good business.>>完整场景
It's just good business.>>完整场景
It's safely aboard the Dutchman, and so unavailable for use as leverage to satisfy your debt to the good captain.>>完整场景
I prefer rum. Rum's good.>>完整场景
- Aye, we're good and lost now.>>完整场景
Yeah. I knew there was a good reason.>>完整场景
I'm sure there must be a good reason for our suffering.>>完整场景
[Man] "In order to affect a timely halt to deteriorating conditions and to ensure the common good, a state of emergency is declared for these territories by decree of Lord Cutler Beckett, duly appointed representative of His Majesty, the king.>>完整场景
He was a good man.>>完整场景
I always knew you were a good man.>>完整场景
Not good.>>完整场景
With good reason!>>完整场景
But... seeing as you're a good man, I know that you'd never put me in a position that would compromise my honor.>>完整场景
That you're a good man.>>完整场景
It brought good fortune.>>完整场景
Yep. I'm good with it.>>完整场景
My eyesight's as good as ever, just so you know.>>完整场景