
n. 追踪者;拉纤者,纤夫;追踪系统,跟踪装置


Yes, they are all...no wait, I see the big one moving. The one that's flat on top, what do they call it?... INT. SURVEILLANCE BASE - DAY Some tired Army Intelligence types -- A LISTENER, a TRACKER, and an INTELLIGENCE SUPERVISOR, are sitting at a bank of phones. The LISTENER is a Japanese-American.
>> Pearl Harbor 珍珠港(2001) Movie Script
He resolved to bend his wits to getting out while the getting was possible. The death of Frog Lip made the task easier, for, as Dan said, Frog Lip was the only tracker in the crowd. If he could just manage to get a good jump, somehow, he might get away. And if he did he wouldn’t stop until he hit the Mississippi.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“I couldn’t track an elephant and neither could you,” Dan said. “Frog was our tracker. I shot Wilbarger three times, I expect he’ll die.” “I thought we was going to Abilene,” little Eddie said. “Abilene ain’t this way.” Dan sneered at his brother. “I wish Wilbarger had shot you instead of Frog,” he said. “Frog was a damn sight better hand.” Jake thought maybe he had seen the last of the killing. He felt it could be worse. The shooting had all been in pitch- darkness. Wilbarger hadn’t seen him. He couldn’t be connected with the raid. It was luck, of a sort. If he could just get free of the Suggses, he wouldn’t be in such hopeless trouble.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“He’s been following me ever since I stole the woman,” Blue Duck said. “He ain’t no tracker, though. He went off across the Quitaque. But now he’s figured it out and he’ll be coming.” “By God, he must want her bad, to come all this way,” Monkey John said.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Call considered it. Deets was a fine tracker, not to mention a cool hand. He could be of some help to Gus. But the girl was none of his affair, and they needed Deets’s scouting skills. Water might get scarcer and harder to find once they struck the plains.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Deets was different. Deets observed, he remembered; rarely would he volunteer advice, but when asked, his advice was always to the point. His sense of weather was almost as good as an Indian’s, and he was a superlative tracker.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“This is a worrisome situation,” Augustus said. “I probably ought to track that man or send Deets to do it. Deets is a better tracker than me. Jake ain’t back and I ain’t got your faith in him. I best send one of the hands to guard you until we know where that bandit’s headed.” “Don’t send Dish,” Lorena said. “I don’t want Dish coming around.” Augustus chuckled. “You gals are sure hard on the boys that love you,” he said. “Dish Boggett’s got a truer heart than Jake Spoon, although neither one of them has much sense.” “Send me the black man,” she said. “I don’t want none of them others.” “I might,” Augustus said. “Or I might come back myself. How would that suit you?” Lorena didn’t answer. She felt the anger coming back. Because of some woman named Clara she wasn’t getting to San Francisco, when otherwise Gus would have taken her. She sat silently on the rock.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
That fitness tracker he wears...
>> 信条Tenet Movie Script
Sator tips his lighter to read his fitness tracker... SATOR (CONT'D) You did get my pulse above 130. No one’s done that before. Not even my wife.
>> 信条Tenet Movie Script
As Sator raises his wrist to check his fitness tracker, BLOOD drips from the gold bar in his hand.
>> 信条Tenet Movie Script
Sator RIPS the cuff off his arm, sending the doctor out – checks a fitness tracker on his wrist.
>> 信条Tenet Movie Script