
n. 戏弄


They ad lib teasing one another about England, Ireland, and America.
>> Good Will Hunting (1997)Movie Script
EXT. BOW AND ARROW -- LATER Our boys are walking out of the bar teasing one another about their bar-ball exploits. Across the street is another bar with a glass front. Morgan spots Clark sitting by the window with some friends.
>> Good Will Hunting (1997)Movie Script
Oh, Rhett, how you do run on teasing a country girl like me.
>> 飘 Gone with the Wind Movie Script
Oh honey, he's teasing you, nobody has two television sets.
>> Back to the Future 回到未来 1985 Movie Script
VIEW ON THE DANCE FLOOR Deanna has been dancing with Fredo; she has gotten drunk and it teasing her husband by flirting with other men on the floor.
>> The Godfather: Part II 教父2 1974 Movie Script
I go ask her then Master is teasing us, isn't he?
>> 西域雄狮 Once Upon a Time in China and America Movie Script
THE TWO MEN: finished teasing, begin to duel in earnest.
>> The Princess Bride Movie Script
Even Sally, usually so jealous of any attention her sister got, respected the fact that Betsey and Lorena were especially close. She would let off teasing Betsey if Lorena looked at her in a certain way.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Dish, too, at the last moment, felt a powerful ache inside him at the thought of leaving the bunch. Though most of the hands were disgraceful, rude and incompetent, they were still his compañeros. He liked young Newt and enjoyed teasing Jasper. He even had a sneaking fondness for Lippy, who had appointed himself cook’s helper and seldom got far from the big fireplace.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“You ain’t women yet,” Clara said. “I’m the only one around here, and he better spruce up if he wants to keep on my good side.” July soon returned to work, but his demeanor had not greatly improved. He had little humor in him and could not be teased successfully, which was an irritant to Clara. She had always loved to tease and considered it an irony of her life that she was often drawn to men who didn’t recognize teasing even when she was inflicting it on them. Bob had never responded to teasing, or even noticed it, and her powers in that line had slowly rusted from lack of practice. Of course she teased the girls, but it was not the same as having a grown man to work on—she had often felt like pinching Bob for being so stolid. July was no better—in fact, he and Bob were cut from the same mold, a strong but unimaginative mold.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“Well, July, I guess you’re between a rock and a hard place,” Roscoe said. “You either got to go off and fight them Texas Rangers or else stay here and fight Peach.” “I could send you after him,” July said. “You’re the one that let him get away.”Of course he was only teasing. Roscoe could hardly handle old man Darton, who was nearly eighty. He wouldn’t stand much of a chance against Jake Spoon and his friends.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
He was even tempted to sound out Gus on the plan—Gus knew more about marriage than anyone else—but every time he planned to bring it up he either got sleepy first or decided at the last second he had better keep quiet. If the plan was ridiculous in the eyes of an expert, then Pea wouldn’t know what to think, and besides, Gus would never let up teasing.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“We’ve the Lord to thank for this bath,” she said. “I personally didn’t need it, but I’m bound to say it might work an improvement where you’re concerned. You ain’t as bad-looking as I thought, now that you’re nearly clean.” By the time she got to her back porch the rain was slackening and the sun was already striking little rainbows through the sparkle of drops that still fell. Pea had walked on home, the water dripping more slowly from his hat. He never mentioned the incident to anyone, knowing it would mean unmerciful teasing if it ever got out. But he remembered it. When he lay on the porch half drunk and it floated up in his mind, things got mixed into the memory that he hadn’t even known he was noticing, such as the smell of Mary’s wet flesh. He hadn’t meant to smell her, and hadn’t made any effort to, and yet the very night after it happened the first thing he remembered was that Mary had smelled different from any other wet thing he had ever smelled. He could not find a word for what was different about Mary’s smell—maybe it was just that, being a woman, she smelled cleaner than most of the wet creatures he came in contact with. It had been more than a year since the rainstorm, and yet Mary’s smell was still part of the memory of it. He also remembered how she seemed to bulge out of her corset at the top and the bottom both.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
5 INT. DINING ROOM - NIGHT 5 WINDEN to a PARROT in a large cage. Grant is teasing the bird with a cookie, holding a it just out of reach.
>> 侏罗纪公园3 Jurassic Park 3 (2001) Movie Script
(teasing with a false stutter) Hello, B-b-bertie. B-b-been waiting long?
>> 国王的演讲 The King's Speech Movie Script
EDITH GREENSLY: I’m sorry, we don’t have to talk about it. I was just teasing you.
>> 美国骗局 American Hustle Movie Script
- They're teasing.
>> 完美陌生人 Perfect Strangers Movie Script
They're teasing.
>> 完美陌生人 Perfect Strangers Movie Script
No hair spray, no teasing, just elegant.
>> 异种教师 The Faculty Movie Script
- Are you teasing me?
>> Wing Chun Movie Script
Your mother's teasing me.
>> 慕尼黑Munich Movie Script