

MICHAEL'S VIEW The old building has been totally surrounded by police and military vehicles. Right at this moment, they are waiting lazily, but soldiers are there with automatic weapons ready.
>> The Godfather: Part II 教父2 1974 Movie Script
“Go after him on what?” Augustus asked. “Have you gone daft, Soupy? You want to chase a grizzly bear on foot, after what you’ve seen? You wouldn’t even make one good bite for that bear.” The bear had crossed the stream and was ambling along lazily across the open plain.Despite Augustus’s cautions, as soon as the men could catch their horses, five of them, including Dish Boggett, Soupy, Bert, the Irishman and Needle Nelson, raced after the bear, still visible though a mile or more away. They began to fire long before they were in range, and the bear loped toward the mountains. An hour later the men returned, their horses run down, but with no bear trophies.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“Besides the liquor, I think we’ll require a little respect,” he said. “I’m Captain McCrae and this is Captain Call. If you care to turn around, you can see our pictures when we was younger. Among the things we don’t put up with is dawdlingservice. I’m surprised Willie would hire a surly young idler like you.” The cardplayers were watching the proceedings with interest, but the young bartender was too surprised at having suddenly had his nose broken to say anything at all. He held his towel to his nose, which was still pouring blood. Augustus calmly walked around the bar and got the picture he had referred to, which was propped up by the mirror with three or four others of the same vintage. He laid the picture on the bar, took the glass the young bartender had just polished, slinging it lazily into the air back in the general direction of the cardplayers, and then the roar of the big Colt filled the saloon.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Snooze lazily in the shade of a bush.
>> 狂野非洲 African Safari Movie Script
She checks her watch as she lazily smears the sunscreen across Sator’s back. He groans. Kat watches the TENDER APPROACHING, she can just make out HERSELF AND HER SON... INT. TUNNEL, STALSK-12 – DAY The Protagonist watches the Dead Tenet Soldier RACING BACKWARDS from the gate, out of the tunnel – COME ON!
>> 信条Tenet Movie Script
36EXT -- EXERCISE YARD -- DAY (1947) 36 Exercise period. Red plays catch with Heywood and Jigger, lazily tossing a baseball around. Red notices Andy off to the side. Nods hello. Andy takes this as a cue to amble over.
>> 肖申克的救赎Shawshank Redemption Movie Script