
n. 洪水;暴雨;泛滥


Come with me, hurry I'm risking my life getting you out I'll take us to safety Dear llona, I now hear clearly what "Gloomy Sunday" is saying I won't wait for the last bucket of sh*t I will do as Andras did I never really learned to fight, and anyway, it's too late Don't be sad that it didn't turn out as we'd hoped Hang on now: 'apres le deluge, tu! ' Grass is growing over you already You can't imagine how very much I miss you I miss you both so much Laszlo is dead, just like you He doesn't even have a grave His friend Wieck sent him up the chimney He only saved those who could help him after the war He planned it well He's a businessman Damn him to hell!
>> 布达佩斯之恋Gloomy Sunday AKA The Piano Player) Movie Script
There are over half a million of us in Hungary Our German brothers-in-arms will be thorough Their attitude is 'apres nous le deluge' Yes, and we know that, so we can say "Gentlemen, apres votre deluge, nous" For argument's sake, say I put the restaurant in your name You make me manager, and apply for a permit which says I'm part of the war effort. Hans will help I'll transfer everything to your name and then nobody coa take it And after they've all conquered themselves to death, we go to the notary and put it all back Exactly after the Flood... Apres le deluge, nous' Good afternoon My name is llona Varnai I have an appointment with Mr. Wieck The Colonel is in a meeting Please take a seat Excuse me, isn't this the Mendel villa?
>> 布达佩斯之恋Gloomy Sunday AKA The Piano Player) Movie Script
INT. EDWARD’S CAR - NIGHT - [THE STORM] Suddenly, a deluge descends. It’s not even rain anymore -- there’s no space between the drops. It’s like being caughtin a waterfall. It’s that loud.
>> 大鱼 Big Fish (2003) Movie Script