

JORDAN * Baby, I talked to the lawyers * again today. I have some really * great news. As it turns out you’re * totally off the hook. * NAOMI * I know that already. * JORDAN * You never did anything wrong * anyway, right? At the end of the * day all they really want is for me * to cooperate - that’s it. * See, apparently, I know so much * about what’s going on in the stock * market that I could save the * government years of heartache. But * it get’s even better... You see, * if I cooperate I’ll only have to * serve four short years and any * fine I’d have to pay wouldn’t be * due til after I serve my sentence. * We’ll still have plenty of money * left over. The only thing that I * was kind of upset about was the * fact that I might have to give * them information about my friends. * NAOMI * Like you said, “There’s no friends * on Wall Street”. * JORDAN * But there’s a silver lining to * that too... It turns out that all * of ‘em are probably gonna * cooperate too. So in the end, that * won’t really be a factor. * NAOMI * Well, that’s really good news, * honey. I’m really happy for you. * JORDAN * No, it’s good for both of us, Nay. * NAOMI * Yeah, yeah. * JORDAN * Make love to me baby. Make love to * me nice and slow. * NAOMI * No Jordan. Stop! * The Wolf of Wall Street Buff Revised Pages 3/5/13 127.
>> 华尔街之狼 The Wolf of Wall Street Movie Script