

“Oh, we cow a little,” Pea said. “How much cowing are you likely to need?” “I need forty horses, which it says on that sign you sell,” Wilbarger said. “A dern bunch of Mexicans run off dern near all of our remuda two nights back. I’ve got a herd of cattle gathered up the other side of the Nueces, and I don’t plan to walk ’em to Kansas on foot. A feller told me you men could supply horses. Is that true?” “Yep,” Pea Eye said. “What’s more, we can even chase Mexicans.” “I’ve got no time to discuss Mexicans,” Wilbarger said. “If you gentlemen could just trot out about forty well-broke horses we’ll pay you and be on our way.” Newt felt a little embarrassed. He was well aware that forty horses was out of the question, but he had hated to come right out and say so. Also, as the youngest member of the outfit, it was not his responsibility to be the spokesman.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“Nope,” Jake said. “We went to the door to watch the mule skinner run off and saw the dentist laying over there dead, fifty yards away. He had managed to get in the exact wrong spot.” “Pea done the same thing once,” Augustus said. “Remember, Woodrow? Up in the Wichita country? Pea shot at a wolf and missed and the bullet went over a hill and kilt one of our horses.” “I won’t forget that,” Call said. “It was little Billy it killed. I hated to lose that horse.” “Of course we couldn’t convince Pea he’d done it,” Augustus said. “He don’t understand trajectory.” “Well, I understand it,” Jake said. “Everybody in town liked that dentist.” “Aw, Jake, that won’t stick,” Augustus said. “Nobody really likes dentists.” “This one was the mayor,” Jake said.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
He himself had a linen tablecloth which he brought out once a year, on the anniversary of the death of his wife. His wife had been a bully and he didn’t miss her, but it was the only occasion sufficient to provide an excuse for the use of a tablecloth in Lonesome Dove. His wife, whose name had been Therese, had bullied horses, too, which is why his team had run off and flung themselves and the buggy into a gully, the buggy landing right on top of Therese. At the annual dinner in her honor Xavier proved that he was still a restaurateur of discipline by getting drunk without spilling a drop on the fine tablecloth. Augustus was the only one invited to the dinners, but he only came every three or four years, out of politeness; not only were the occasions mournful and silly—everyone in Lonesome Dove had been glad to see the last of Therese—they were mildly dangerous. Augustus was neither as disciplined a drinker as Xavier nor as particular about tablecloths, either, and he knew that if he spilled liquor on the precious linen the situation would end badly. He would not likely have to shoot Xavier, but it might be necessary to whack him on the head, and Augustus hated to hit such a small head with such a large pistol.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Mention of Indians woke Pea Eye from an alcoholic doze. He hated Indians, partly because for thirty years fear of them had kept him from getting a good night’s sleep. In his years with the Rangers he never closed his eyes without expecting to open them and find some huge Indian getting ready to poke him with something sharp. Most of the Indians he had actually seen had all been scrawny little men, but it didn’t mean the huge one who haunted his sleep wasn’t out there waiting.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Call knew there was no point in arguing. That was what Augustus wanted: argument. He didn’t really care what the question was, and it made no great difference to him which side he was on. He just plain loved to argue, whereas Call hated to. Long experience had taught him that there was no winning arguments with Augustus, even in cases where there was a simple right and wrong at issue. Even in the old days, when they were in the thick of it, with Indians and hardcases to worry about, Augustus would seize any chance for a dispute. Practically the closest call they ever had, when the two of them and six Rangers got surprised by the Comanches up the Prairie Dog Fork of the Red and were all digging holes in the bank that could have turned out to be their graves if they hadn’t been lucky and got a cloudy night and sneaked away, Augustus had kept up a running argument with a Ranger they called Ugly Bobby. The argument was entirely about coon dogs, and Augustus had kept it up all night, though most of the Rangers were so scared they couldn’t pass water.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- But you hated your father.
>> 倾城佳话 It Could Happen to You (1994) Movie Script
She hated Queens.
>> 倾城佳话 It Could Happen to You (1994) Movie Script
"Mausoleum Day". Prince Albert departed on that date. I was named Bertie to placate Great Grandmamma Victoria. In return, she hated me because it reminded her of her grief.
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I hated men so much.
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And I'll bet you just hated that they identified me as a co-founder of Facebook- -which I am! You better lawyer-up, a**hole, 'cause I'm not comin' for my 30 percent, I'm comin' after everythin g
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Tom has always hated rock climbing.
汤姆一直讨厌攀岩。不是过去,不是现在,是一直有讨厌= he has hated
>> 2309-World Rally Championship-WRC
Tom has always hated rock climbing.
>> 2309-World Rally Championship-WRC
Eventually you forget that in the beginning you hated doing it.
>> 慕尼黑Munich Movie Script
I hated his guts.
>> 旅行终点 The End of the Tour Movie Script
All I know is, this is absolutely the best I could do between like 1992 and 1995. And if everybody hated it, I wouldn’t be thrilled, but I don’t think I’d be devastated, either.
>> 旅行终点 The End of the Tour Movie Script
I always hated my hair.
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No, but I always thought I hated him, when really I loved him.
>> 莫负当年情 Beaches Movie Script
He was a brownnose, Lou! You hated him.
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As she lay on the ground, shaking and holding her stomach, I hated her for being the one too sick to continue. But even she was not too sick. We all went on. She got an extra five minutes to rest, but we all went on.
>> Poultry Slam 1995 家禽
Oh, I always hated that photo of myself.
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- No. Cos you hated it.
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That's me, six years and 600lbs ago, before I knew how much I hated myself.
>> 躲避球:一个真正的卧底故事Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story Movie Script
KAT (CONT'D) I don’t know if I hate him more for the things he’s done, or because he knows that about me. You’ve killed people you hated before?
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They hated it.
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They hated it.
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