
n. 赌博;赌注;赌物


- I'm in. Matching his wager.
>> Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest 加勒比海盗2:聚魂棺Movie Script
I wager... ten years.
>> Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest 加勒比海盗2:聚魂棺Movie Script
Of course not, I just enjoy after them Well, gentlemen at your disposal Do not shoot him I think we are misled I want to take off these cuffs We have to wait until we reach open water It suits you perfectly, sir It seems you have a wonderful Do you think it is a little broad? - No, he is of the utmost magnificence - Fourteen red, I bet it Wager, sir Forty-two red I have returned - Call them inside - I could come back tomorrow? - No, wait - ! We have tried in various ways, sir But escaped us - This is what I expected to hear - To escape the young man who robbed me of $ 2.3 billion I learn that I had worked so hard In order to stop dirty operations, which I was the No more chasing the treacherous ...No more killing But now I rely on people Do these things rather than me ! Fix things, but they did not Do you have shown good? - For - As usual - As usual, why? - Wonderful as usual Yes, I have shown good Then so be open lock Where Talmty do this?
>> 致命伴旅 The Tourist (2010) Movie Script
Care for a friendly wager?
>> 西域雄狮 Once Upon a Time in China and America Movie Script
“All that way to Texas,” Lippy kept saying. “I wager the Captain won’t do it.” “I’ll take that wager,” Dish said. “He and Gus rangered together.” “And me too,” Pea Eye said sadly. “I rangered with them.” “Gus won’t be much but a skeleton, if the Captain does do it,” Jasper said. “I wouldn’t do it. I’d get to thinking of ghosts and ride off in a hole.” At the mention of ghosts, Dish got up and left the campfire. He couldn’t abide the thought of any more ghosts. If Deets and Gus were both roaming around, one might approach him, and he didn’t like the thought. The very notion made him white, and he pitched his bedroll as close to the wagon as he could get.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“I seen him trick her once,” Lippy said, remembering the extraordinary wager he had witnessed. “He offered to cut the cards for a poke and he won. Then he paid her fifty dollars anyway. And he paid me ten not to tell Jake. He didn’t pay me nothing not to tell you, though, Dish,” Lippy added. It occurred to him suddenly that Gus might consider that they had breached their bargain.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
BERTIE (CONT'D) I'll wager they're saying: There's the useless one who can't speak.
>> 国王的演讲 The King's Speech Movie Script