
prep. 用;支持;随着;和…在一起


They're giving these loans to anyone with a credit-score and a pulse what do you think we do here all day?>>完整场景
And then meet me over at standard & poors, we're gonna talk to Georgia get that f*** Jared vennett I want to bash his f***ing head in uh, gentlemen... I spoke with mark baum>>完整场景
Ok, bear will trade with anybody!>>完整场景
And you target them with red soup?>>完整场景
These people just want homes, and they go with the flow.>>完整场景
Are you being sarcastic with us Mike?>>完整场景
But Ben was done with the banking world, he was very clear!>>完整场景
They had started working out of Jamie's garage, with a 110 thousand Jamie had saved taking sailboats up and down the east-coast.>>完整场景
Yo, I'm young yet, I can still do something with my life!>>完整场景
We wanna get an isda-agreement with j.P. Morgan, so we can deal in long-term options.>>完整场景
We're doing 30 million right now... eh... But we started four years ago, with a hundred-ten thousand.>>完整场景
Let's get on this quickly too, because if he is right... Every loser with a couple million bucks in a fund is gonna be jumping on us.>>完整场景
No, we just repackage it, with a bunch of other sh*t that didn't sell and put it into a cdo.>>完整场景
When the market deems a bond too risky to buy, what do you think we do with it?>>完整场景
That I know, for a fact, are filled with 95 percent sub-prime sh*t.>>完整场景
You're a weird caller, you take longer with a wrong number than anybody else I mean... it's this guy... From... deutsche, who was talking about shorting housing bonds.>>完整场景
And a hell of a trader, which is the only reason they put up with his bullshit optimism.>>完整场景
The guy with all the good ideas.>>完整场景
He worked with Baum at a previous firm, and couldn't figure out why no-one listened to Baum.>>完整场景
Mark refused to kiss the ring of the people with the checkbooks, so he had to set up his fund under Morgan Stanley's umbrella.>>完整场景
But our company is not comfortable with this investment.>>完整场景
That was just with deutsche... Word is... he had half the town.>>完整场景
I never hung out with these idiots after work, ever! I had fashion friends.>>完整场景
Awwwww Jared did you hear about the deal that Randall did with some fund-manager?>>完整场景
His head must have caught up with his hole or do something... I don't know.>>完整场景