
adv. 向前地;继续着;作用中,行动中


Many of the cars broke down on the course.
>> 56-Faster Than Sound!
So this server exists on this address, servers web: - demo.exitsoftware.io ; proxy: host: alpha.exitsoftware.io; And I will then fill out the host as a C name to that machine. But we're using Alpha here, if I had deployed another application called Bravo to the same server, Kamal would set it up, so it's like I host two applications or any number of applications on that same server! Now, we will also need to have a look at the secrets here, that is in dockyml/secrets, because the register that I'm using, that is Docker Hub, needs of course a password, it is using my username but also needs a password.
>> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company
Now I'm gonna deploy this on my own little hoppy server. And that hoppy server is currently wiped. it is completely clean, and Ubuntu 24.04 setup that has nothing on it already, this is part of the magic of Kamal, you can spin up a new VM anywhere in the cloud or use your own hardware and point Kamal straight to it, and you'll be going in no time!
>> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company
Docker Hub:
And there's a default configuration file in config/deploy.yml that we can use, it's prefilled a little bit, it has the service name of the name of reaction, but we need to rename, for example, your user,the name of the image to go to my name of where I store this on Docker Hub. You can see we change that down in the registry as well and the name of the container image.
>> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company
All right, that is very neat. Now, let's go to production! Because of course, you're not just here to create a Hello World app that runs on your own machine, you want to get this out into the world! And rails8 and forward ships with Kamal, a simple tool for deploying your web application anywhere.
>> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company
And that is basically it. Now if I go over here and I add a comment to one of these, you see the comment was added on the left immediately at the same time. That's all web sockets automatically happening through action cable. And we can do it , of course the other way as well.
>> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company
And if we hop into our comment, we can set up a broadcast_to for that post. The broadcast_to will broadcast all update made to that comment, whether a new comment is updated or an existing comment is changed in some way or even one deleted, and send it back out to a channel on action cable named after the post association that this comment belongs to!
>> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company
When it is nested, we get the fact that it's gonna be slash post slash on slash comments, and we have the association is set up nicely. Now, let's reload! Now it works, we have our comments field underneath. we can add the first comment. And as you can see here, this is my first comment a second ago that was the local time doing its time ago conversion.
>> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company
We are pacing in the comment, and we're using that same time tag as we were using with the post, but this time, we are going to use time ago, so we get that nice two minutes ago on when something went posted rather than a local time spelled out with AM PM set up.
>> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company
The comments is something that belongs to a post, and we will pull out the post ID from the params, that's what's being parsed in as part of the URL, and we will fetch that post, and now we will create the comments associated with that post based on the parameters that are expected as comment content. And then after it's created, we will direct back to the post!
>> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company
If you look at something like hey.com, you'll see this technique in use on a major application, and you can view all of the Javascript that we use to build that application, and that's the default for Rails.
>> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company
We're G sipping or Brotliing this stuff so that it transports really quickly, but we're allowing you to view source on an entire application.
>> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company
He has temporarily put his books on the floor. They won't be there long.
>> 52-A Pretty Carpet
But really, what's unique here for Rails is the fact that we're using no build by default! So if I go over here in the inspector and look at the JavaScript files that are included,you can see we have the application js file with a little digest stamp on there. If we change anything that application js file, the digest is going to change, and the browser will redownload just the part!
>> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company
So, we can do that using the import map pin command. And as you see, now that I hop back into our config import map, we've added the local text pin at the bottom, version 3.0.2. It pulled that straight off NPN, it downloaded that as a vendor dependency that we can check into our version control system. And now, we don't have any runtime dependency whatsoever on NPN, or anything else like that.
>> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company
As you can see here, there is now a full WYSIWYG interface for creating the body. It comes with a default set of styles for the toolbar, you can change those, those styles are generated straight into your application, so you can make it look nice for yourself. Let's give some bold and italic text here, you see, that was all that was needed. but I think what's even nicer to look at here is if we do an upload and we add a file, you will see that file gets added with a preview directly to the WYSIWYG editor. And if we save that and we update the post, it is added to the post itself. And that then went through the whole process of doing a direct upload of the file when we dropped it into the editor, that uploads it straight to active storage. And then, we have access to that, and rendering it directly from whatever storage backend active storage is using. In this example , we're just storing on disk, but you could be storing your active storage in S3 or another object storage.
>> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company
This is exceptionally helpful for interacting with your domain model, updating things on the fly, and as you will later, updating things even once you've deployed this to production!
>> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company
console instance variables:
Now, let me show you one of the first feature here. If we do raise exception inside the index action, "rails 'some exception' " you will see that Rails provides some really nice interface for dealing with that exception, seeing exactly where it happened. If I'm reloading here, you can see the line, it was raised on the source code that's around it, you can see a full trace. And down here, we even have a console! So, you can interact with the instance variables that have been set for this index actions, here's just at posts that's been made available.
>> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company
This is the thing you're gonna see, when you start up a new Rails application, it'll tell you which version you're on, both for the ruby version, the Rails version, and the Rack version. That's running on localhost:3000 by default. But if we do slash posts here, you'll see the scaffold interface that we generated. Now, this is the index action, the one we just looked at in the view and from the controller. But if we click the New, you see here we have form for creating the new post with its title and its body. it's quiet basic, to put it mildly right now, but all the actions are mapped out. This scaffold interface is not meant for shipping into production, it is meant to showing you how to build a Rails application with the basics, and then you make it look pretty, you make it look nice.
>> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company
That post is just going to have a title that's string and a body that's a text, and as you can see here from what's being generated, we have everything that we need to set up a basic interface for that scaffold. There is a migration that'll set things up in the database. There is a controller, there are views, there's a model, there's even testing stubs and adjacent API on top. So let's run that migration, and as you can see here, we created the posts in the main schema file, and now, we're ready to have a look at the application that was generated here with the post scaffold.
>> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company
Welcome to Ruby on Rails. If you are looking to go from Hello World to IPO, you've come to just the right place. I'm gonna build a simple application that shows you the basic of Ruby on Rails and how you put it into production. Let's go.
>> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company
So you want to work on yourself, you want to read books that inspire you and motivate you, you want to listen to tapes over and over and over again, and I suggest that you listen to tapes when you first get up in the morning. You want to control the spirit of your day, when you first wake up in the morning your mind is operating at 10.5 wave cycles per second. that's when the subconscious mind is most impressionable. Whatever you hear in the first 20 minutes when you wake up, that will affect the spirit of your day.
>> Motivate yourself in the morning
You've got unlimited potential, you can put effort on you and by concentrating on you and developing you, you can transform your life wherever you are right now.
>> Motivate yourself in the morning
One of the things that we must do is that we must be involved in working on achieving self mastery. You must work on yourself continuously. Never be satisfied with yourself, always know that as you invest the effort and time on you.That's the greatest ability that human beings have above animals.
>> Motivate yourself in the morning
I'll pay a call on (= visit) my friends.
与某些名词结合使用,表示将要做或将付出某事物) used with some nouns to show that you are giving or doing the thing mentioned
>> 51-Reward for Virtue