
adv. 向前地;继续着;作用中,行动中


Trump has been on the move his whole life.Golf rallies, movement, action, sunlight, fresh air, freedom. This isn't lawfare.This is torture. They're making 77 year old man sit in a room for 8 hours straight, four days a week.>>完整场景
I’m going to assume you have a handle on JavaScript.>>完整场景
Thank you for the advice on the clubs at NYU!>>完整场景
We didn't defraud the American people and prey on their dreams of owning a home like they did!>>完整场景
Kareem serageldin from credit suisse he hit a few billion in mortgage-bond losses something most of the big banks did on a good day during the crisis mark, can we sell now?>>完整场景
People... Want an authority to tell them how to value things, but they chose this authority not based on facts or... results they chose it because it seems authoritative... Or familiar!>>完整场景
I met my wife on match. Com my profile said that I'm a medical student with only one eye an awkward social manner, and 145 thousand dollars in student loans she wrote back... You're just what I've been looking for!>>完整场景
Come on I left my phone in the office, I threw my pass out already, do you mind if I take your pass?>>完整场景
My firms thesis is pretty simple wall-street took a good idea: Lewis raneiri's mortgage-bonds and turned it into an atomic bomb of fraud and stupidity that's on it's way to decimating the world economy how do you really feel?>>完整场景
I've been trying to call him, but he won't get back to me no, he's on vacation with his wife's family! They're in England!>>完整场景
Vinnie... Jesus, come on!>>完整场景
Or we sell our swaps, when the market opens we get our bonuses, our investors get their profit we get... thirty cents on the dollar, not bad!>>完整场景
Tell me Morgan-Stanley doesn't hold the contracts on these swaps holy sh*t all this time I've been trying to figure out whom I've been betting against.>>完整场景
The premiums on the swaps ate into his desks profit to cover his triple-b shorts, he sold a lot of a- and double-a swaps as protection, a lot!>>完整场景
Because word on the street is he took some pretty heavy losses Kathy come on, we know each-other..>>完整场景
Congratulations on what?>>完整场景
I'm betting kleeger over at Morgan is taking up some heavy losses in the bond-department your sh*t might be taking on water time to get our life-jacket and get out.>>完整场景
Well... Nobody's buying cdo's and mortgage bonds anymore and everybody wants swaps, swaps are not he most popular product on the street that's good for us!>>完整场景
Charlie, come on!>>完整场景
Yeah Jamie, you try being for real with a three-year old and a wife getting her masters-degree I'm not gonna burn my reputation on your wild hunch wow!>>完整场景
It took me years to build my relationships on wall-street no bank or ratings-agency is gonna confirm a story like this just because it comes from two guys in a... Garage-band hedge-fund that thinks it's the apocalypse.>>完整场景
Right now, every bank in town is unloading these sh*t-bonds under un-suspecting customers and they won't devalue them until they get them off their books this level of criminality is unprecedented even on f***ing wall-street!>>完整场景
She says I need to be on Xanax, and double my dose of Zoloft I asked bear-stearns to price our shorts they tell me the cdo's still haven't moved this is f***ing insane!>>完整场景
The principle source of the slowdown of economic growth time, and time, and time again have I bought them back from you Marcus we've know each-other for seventeen years she's got some lungs on her I'm impressed!>>完整场景
Just put the business-news on please.>>完整场景