
n. 疲倦,疲劳;厌倦


The Hell Bitch looked up when he came into the livery stable, where he had put her. He felt an impulse to saddle her and ride out into the country, but weariness overcame him and he threw his bedroll on some straw and lay down. He couldn’t sleep, though. He regretted not trying harder to save Gus. He should have disarmed him at once and seen that the other leg was amputated. Of course, Gus might have shot him, but he felt he should have taken the risk.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
In his weariness, he even forgot for a time that Gus had been left in the little cave. Several times he spoke to Gus as he stumbled along—mainly asking directions. For a time he felt Gus was just ahead, leading the way. Or was it Deets? Pea Eye felt confused. Whoever it was wouldn’t speak to him, and yet he continued to ask questions. He took comfort in thinking Gus or Deets was there. They were the best scouts. They would lead him in.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
ON SCREEN: SURREY, ENGLAND 12 EXT. COUNTRY LANE - SURREY - DAWN 12 POWELL, now in Wellington boots and a weatherproof jacket, walks with Jesse. There is a weariness about her. A profound sadness lurking just beneath her tough exterior.
>> Eye In The Sky Movie Script