

“I got to go,” she said. “If you ever do find Ellie, tell her I still got that blue dress she gave me. If she ever wants it back she’ll have to write.” July nodded. Jennie gave him a final look, half pitying, half exasperated, and hurried on down the stairs.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“Well, that’s all the supper,” Louisa said. “What about my proposition?” “I can’t,” Roscoe said, putting it as politely as he knew how. “If I don’t keep on till I find July I might lose my job.” Louisa looked exasperated. “You’re a fine guest,” she said. “I tell you what, let’s give it a tryout. You ain’t had enough experience of women to know whether you like the married life or not. It might suit you to a T. If it did, you wouldn’t have to do risky work like being a deputy.” It was true that being a deputy had become almost intolerably risky—Roscoe had to grant that. But judging from July’s experience, marriage had its risks too.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“Why, no reason,” Augustus said. “If you live with Mexicans you can expect to eat beans, sooner or later.” “Who said anything about Mexicans?” Jake said, a little exasperated. Gus was the derndest talker.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
She hands the phone to a very exasperated, anxious, Irv.
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Will regards his father with exasperated contempt.
>> 大鱼 Big Fish (2003) Movie Script
63A INT. HOTEL WHITNEY/LIPSKY'S ROOM - MINNEAPOLIS - 1996 - DAY 63A His hair still wet from a shower, Lipsky is on the phone toBob, his increasingly exasperated editor.
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Exasperated, Louis waves his attendants away.
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INT. MICHELLE'S BEDROOM - NIGHT The King is trying to make love with Michelle -- but she isn't responding. He stops, exasperated.
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That's impossible. You're wasting your money. I couldn't change even if I wanted to. The Clerk, exasperated, murmurs something in his language and returns to the store. Joe continues on down the street. INT. LIBRARY, PARRISH TOWNHOUSE - NIGHT Parrish is sitting in a wing chair staring at the fire. Joe appears in the doorway, Parrish doesn't notice him. Joe waits, finally Parrish looks up. They regard each other. Silence.
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