
vi. 挣扎,折腾;错乱地做事或说话


“Well, I hope you get back to the herd tonight, in case I’m late,” he said. “There should be somebody with some experience around.” “Oh, I don’t know,” Augustus said. “It’s time that outfit got a little practice in doing without us. They probably think the sun won’t come up unless you’re there to allow it.” Rather than re-argue yet another old argument, Call turned the Hell Bitch. Even experienced men were apt to flounder badly in crises if they lacked leadership. He had seen highly competent men stand as if paralyzed in a crisis, though once someone took command and told them what to do they might perform splendidly. A loose group like the Hat Creek outfit wouldn’t even know how to decide who was to decide, if both he and Gus were gone.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇