

42 OMITTED EXT. SOUTHAMPTON DOCK - DAY The crowd of cheering well-wishers waves heartily as a black wall of metal moves past them. Impossibly tiny figues wave back from the ship's rails.
>> 泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997) Movie Script
Well guys...I reckon there's just one thing to do... INT. OAHU BAR - DAY Danny and the pilots are in Hawaiian shirts, their party in full swing. A bucket-sized hollowed-out volcano sits in the middle of the table, with twelve straws emerging from the crater. It's full of booze -- or was; Danny and the other guys are pulling heartily at the straws, and they gurgle as the last liquid is sucked dry.
>> Pearl Harbor 珍珠港(2001) Movie Script
They laugh; Michael moves toward them. Francesca throws her arms around him, and kisses her favorite uncle. The flushed young man shakes his hand heartily.
>> The Godfather: Part II 教父2 1974 Movie Script
A large bowl of pasta is passed, and the MEN eat heartily.
>> The Godfather教父 1972 Movie Script
“Now think a minute, Pea,” Augustus said. “How could it run milk when there ain’t no cows up here yet?” “Why did they call it the Milk, then? Milk is milk.” “Crazy is crazy, too,” Augustus said. “That’s what I’ll be before long from listening to you. Crazy.” “Well, Jasper’s mind might break if he don’t stop worrying about them rivers,” Pea Eye allowed. “I expect the rest of us will keep our wits.” Augustus laughed heartily at the notion of the Hat Creek outfit keeping its wits. “It’s true they could be kept in a thimble,” he said, “but who brought a thimble?” There was a little rise to the west, and Augustus loped over to it to see what the land looked like in that direction. Pea trotted along north, as he had been doing, not paying much attention. Gus was always loping off to test the view, as he called it, and Pea didn’t feel obliged to follow him every time.
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Everyone laughs, perhaps a little too heartily.
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669. I overhear that the hearty man heartily yearns for my harness in the barn.
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When he finished, all my classmates applauded heartily.
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