

You can't build a nation at gunpoint.
>> 战争机器 War Machine (2017) Movie Script
INT. CORRIDOR, FREEPORT – CONTINUOUS The Staff Member leads Neil and the Protagonist into the vaults... INT. TRANSPORT PLANE – CONTINUOUS At gunpoint, the Pilots nervously pull back from the hangar.
>> 信条Tenet Movie Script
Neil BOLTS the winch to the roof, the Protagonist sights the upper balcony of the high-rise house, FIRES a ball with a line up and over the balcony railing... EXT. HIGH-RISE HOUSE – CONTINUOUS The Protagonist and Neil lie next to each other as the WINCH RUNS, TENSIONING THEIR ELASTIC LINES... they LAUNCH themselves, FLYING UP to land against the side of the building – They RUN SILENTLY UP THE BUILDING, onto the UPPER TERRACES, SHOOTING TWO GUARDS with silenced pistols... INT./EXT. HIGH-RISE HOUSE – CONTINUOUS Sanjay Singh hands a drink to the Woman in the sari. They move out onto the balcony – EXT. BALCONY – CONTINUOUS The Protagonist surprises Sanjay, holds him at gunpoint
>> 信条Tenet Movie Script