
adj. 新奇的;异常的


(smiles) I feel like a character in an Ian Fleming novel. It’s all quiteracy, isn’t it?>>完整场景
Well, it's masquerading as a sci-fi novel, but it's really, uh, my own personal manifesto about the plight of the individual in the 21st century.>>完整场景
My guest today is David Foster Wallace, who has burst on the literary scene with his 1,079-page, three-poundthree- ounce novel, Infinite Jest.>>完整场景
I had to wear this polyester uniform, and walk under these fluorescent lights, twirlin’ my baton, checking in every ten minutes: [mimes a walkietalkie] “All clear at this cubicle!” Like, every bad '60s novel about meaningless authority.>>完整场景
I think I started a World War Two novel when I was nine.>>完整场景
I mean I write fiction. Just published my first novel, as a matter of fact.>>完整场景
It’s as though Paul Bunyan had joined the NFL or Wittgenstein had gone onJeopardy! The novel is that colossallydisruptive. And that spectacularlygood.” That’s the f***ing opening paragraph!>>完整场景
SUPER TITLE: 12 YEARS EARLIER LIPSKY (O.S.) (reads) “I didn’t understand SoHo... 11 INT. BOOK SHOP - UPPER WEST SIDE - NYC - 1996 - NIGHT 11 Lipsky stands before a paltry turnout - consisting of old people and a few loyal friends (among them his pretty girlfriend, SARAH) - reading from his novel, The Art Fair.>>完整场景
It all looks so out of place that high up, it's like out of some fantasy novel or something, you know?>>完整场景
You finished your novel.>>完整场景
Uh, no, Landgon's helping me publish my novel.>>完整场景
But it was only when I sat down and reread his novel now available in a beautiful 10th anniversary edition that, uh, I realized just how good a writer Calvin Weir-Fields is.>>完整场景
And, uh, how can I go back in time and be him?" A high-school dropout with acne still on his chin gave us what may very well become a classic American novel.>>完整场景
(emptily) Thank you, Drew. Parrish takes a moment, draws himself up to say something official then stops himself, what follows is spontaneous, reflective, deeply felt. PARRISH (cont'd) Umm -- I did enjoy -- or rather I was interested in meeting John yes- terday -- impressive... I suppose... But it did get me to thinking. I started in this business because this is what I wanted to do. I knew I wasn't going to write the Great American Novel, but I also knew there was more to life than buying something for a dollar and selling it for two. I wanted to give the news to the world, and I wanted to give it unvarnished. The more we all know about each other, the greater the chance we will survive. Sure, I want to make a profit, you can't exist without one but John Bontecou is all profit. If we give him license to absorb Parrish Communications, and he has his eye on a few others after us, we'll be appointing him to the position he craves -- Gatekeeper. In order to reach the world you will have to go through John Bontecou. And not only will you have to pay him to do this, far more expensive, you'll have to agree with him. Reporting the news is a privilege and a responsibility and it is not exploitable. Parrish Communications has earned this priv- ilege, John Bontecou wants to buy it. As your chairman, I urge you to agree this company is not for sale. A silence, everybody shifts, the Board is in shock, Drew is trying to maintain his balance.>>完整场景