
adj. 固定的;不变的;稳定的


He sits there, immobile, like a ventriloquist's dummy.>>完整场景
There is a pause. Then a crunching sound, as he clearly has come in contact with something hard and immobile.>>完整场景
BUTTERCUP, terribly moved. She stands immobile among her subjects, blinking back tears. HOLD on her beauty for a moment.>>完整场景
Through the late afternoon and far into the night the cattle stumbled over the plain, the weaker cattle falling farther and farther behind. By daybreak the herd was strung out to a distance of more than five miles, most of the men plodding along as listlessly as the cattle. The day was as hot as any they remembered from south Texas—the distances that had spawned yesterday’s wind refused to yield even a breeze, and it seemed to the men that the last moisture in their bodies was pouring out as sweat. They all yearned for evening and looked at the sun constantly, but the sun seemed as immobile as if suspended by a wire.>>完整场景
I been immobile.>>完整场景