
adj. 像打雷的,隆轰隆响的;多雷的,强有力的


Nowhere else to run, the group scatters into the brush as the two behemoth predators rush forward, their ROARS thunderous.>>完整场景
209 EXT. MEDITERRANEAN SEA - NIGHT (SUMMER ‘96) 209 The perfect storm. As the Naomi tips at a 45-degreeangle, a thick wall of gray water comes rising over herside, slamming onto the bridge with a thunderous CRASH.>>完整场景
From deep in a cave, a thunderous voice: VOICE (O.S.) GO AWAY!>>完整场景
His scream is lost in the thunderous ROAR all around.>>完整场景
Your silences are thunderous.>>完整场景
All right, you win. As soon as I get back to the city, I'll meet with the Board. Sloane's voice erupts over the SPEAKERPHONE. SLOANE (O.S.) You're meeting with the Board right now, Drew. Resignation accepted. Moreover, I propose a motion to re- confirm William Parrish as Chairman of the Board of Parrish Communica- tions as well as a rejection of the merger with Bontecou International. How say you, Board? A chorus of thunderous "Yes"es resounds through the SPEAKERPHONE. SLOANE (O.S., cont'd) The motion is passed.>>完整场景