n. 隆隆声;辘辘声
- The stern is now straight up in the air... a rumbling black monolith standing against the stars. It hangs there like that for a long grace note, its buoyancy stable.>> 泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997) Movie Script
- - [Thunder rumbling] - [Screeching] Have you noticed, on top of everything, it's raining?>> Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End加勒比海盗:世界的尽头 Movie Script
- [Rumbling] Done!>> Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End加勒比海盗:世界的尽头 Movie Script
- [Grunting] [Panting] [Rumbling] [Coughing and gagging] This truly is a godforsaken place.>> Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End加勒比海盗:世界的尽头 Movie Script
- I had just set my tray down when we heard a lot of rumblings, and we thought nothing of it.>> Pearl Harbor: Into The Arizona 珍珠港:亚利桑那号探秘(2016) Movie Script
- EXT. PHOTOGRAPHER'S HOUSE - DAY Sammy, the amateur photographer, is leaving his house for a morning of working his "Pictures of Paradise" business, when he sees the Japanese formations rumbling toward Pearl. He races back inside.>> Pearl Harbor 珍珠港(2001) Movie Script
- Thank you... Thanks for coming so quickly mark yeah ehm... I know you've been hearing rumblings about some losses Morgan has suffered.>> The Big Short大空头(2015) Movie Script
- The storm that struck them half a day from the Canadian was of a different intensity because of the lightning. By midafternoon, Newt, who was as usual with the drags, became conscious of rumblings and flashing far on the west. He saw Deets conferring with the Captain, though it was hard to imagine what advice might help. They were out in the middle of the plain, far from any shelter.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- The storm that struck them half a day from the Canadian was of a different intensity because of the lightning. By midafternoon, Newt, who was as usual with the drags, became conscious of rumblings and flashing far on the west. He saw Deets conferring with the Captain, though it was hard to imagine what advice might help. They were out in the middle of the plain, far from any shelter.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- [Thunder Rumbling] You got no love in your heart... you got nothing.>> 澳大利亚乱世情 Australia Movie Script
- [Thunder Rumbling] [Thunderclaps] But right now it's raining.>> 澳大利亚乱世情 Australia Movie Script
- [Rumbling] [Horse Whinnies] Hyah! Hyah!>> 澳大利亚乱世情 Australia Movie Script
- [music]My prayer [music] [music]Is to linger with you [music] [music]At the end of the day [music] [Train Rumbling Overhead] You ever see that movie, Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man?>> 火箭小子-十月的天空 1999 October Sky Movie Script
- [music] When the twilight is gone [music] [music]Ah, ah [music] [music] You come into my heart [music] [music]Ah [music] [music]And here in my heart you will stay [music] [Thunder Rumbling] It sure was exciting watching your rockets go up.>> 火箭小子-十月的天空 1999 October Sky Movie Script
- [Thunder Rumbling] [music]Ah [music] I'm glad you didn't go to jail.>> 火箭小子-十月的天空 1999 October Sky Movie Script
- Uh, I can't promise you... [Rumbling, Glass Breaks] Somebody pulled a pillar too close.>> 火箭小子-十月的天空 1999 October Sky Movie Script
- (LOW RUMBLING)>> 永无止境 Limitless Movie Script
- (QUORRA LAUGHS) (RUMBLING) Get below! Move!>> 创:战纪 TRON: Legacy Movie Script
- They produced DDT, Agent Orange in Vietnam, and then they developed a product called "Roundup." We started hearing rumblings about genetically-engineered soybeans that could resist the application of Roundup.>> 食品公司 Food, Inc. Movie Script
- But he hears a RUMBLING... Sator, without a word, exits – EXT. SATOR’S YACHT, AMALFI COAST – NIGHT Sator GRABS binoculars from one of his men, peering out – A helicopter EMERGES from the darkness, THUNDERING IN... INT. GUEST STATEROOM, SATOR’S YACHT – CONTINUOUS The Protagonist listens to the incoming chopper – pulls on a black Windbreaker – quietly opens his door... INT. PASSAGE, BELOW DECKS, SATOR’S YACHT – CONTINUOUS The Protagonist makes his way, looking for an exit... EXT. SATOR’S YACHT, AMALFI COAST – CONTINUOUS The chopper descends to the landing pad – rotors turning as Sator signals his men to head in... EXT. SATOR’S YACHT – CONTINUOUS The Protagonist is on a roof overlooking the helipad... He watches Sator’s men remove a LARGE, GRUBBY CAPSULE and take it below as the chopper LIFTS OFF... INT. STORAGE AREA, SATOR’S YACHT – CONTINUOUS The Protagonist makes his way through the storage area.>> 信条Tenet Movie Script
- (THUNDER RUMBLING) Holy jeez.>> Pacific Rim 环太平洋 Movie Script