
n. 声音渐增


Nedry turns and SCREAMS. The dilophosaur is right there, in the passengers seat. It HISSES louder than before, its crest fans angrily, vibrating, reaching a crescendo - - - - and the thing pounces, SLAMMING Nedry back against the driver's window, SHATTERING it. As Nedry shrieks - - Rain and mud wash over the shaving cream can, burying it.>>完整场景
As the MUSIC reaches a crescendo, we suddenly...>>完整场景
-- An arm grabs him tightly around the neck, not choking him, just holding his head still -- -- The drum cadence has built to a crescendo. We HEAR four sharp blasts from a whistle and we SMASH CUT TO: EXT. THE WASHINGTON NAVY YARD - DAY and the drum cadence we've been hearing has turned into Semper Fidelis and it's coming from THE U.S. MARINE CORPS BAND, a sight to behold in their red and gold uniforms and polished silver and brass.>>完整场景
EXT. SKY - JUST ABOVE CLOUDS - NIGHT OMINOUS, THREATENING MUSIC. The upper tail fin of a jet plane emerges through the cloud layer and PASSES THROUGH the FRAME like a shark's fin through water. It passes by again in the opposite direction. MUSIC BUILDS as the fin comes straight TOWARD the CAMERA, MUSIC SWELLS to CRESCENDO as entire jet plane lifts out of clouds and passes overhead.>>完整场景
As the Operatic Spaghetti Western Music Builds to a crescendo...we CUT BACK AND FORTH between CU's of the two women that get TIGHTER AND TIGHTER as we ZOOM in CLOSER and CLOSER....UNTIL...We reach the THEME'S CLIMAX.... Both women let loose with a Samurai Grunt and Swing.>>完整场景