

Twice in one day, I find myself in a bewilderment.>>完整场景
I be placed in a bewilderment.>>完整场景
“I thought you were a sheriff once,” Clara said. The stallion whinnied again, and, still watching July, she waved at the horse. He had the eyes of a sweet but bewildered boy in the body of a sturdy man. She wanted the sturdiness close to her, but was irritated by the bewilderment.>>完整场景
It throws its head back and ROARS, waving its little forelimbs at the strange thing in frustration. As the helicopter moves off, the T-rex just stares, silently, with huge, yellowing eyes. It's a moment of utter bewilderment for the rex, and we almost feel - - - - sad for her.>>完整场景
Very. Susan's eyes are still on the door where Joe exited, her face reflecting her irritation and bewilderment, as well as a tinge of excitement. INT. HALLWAY, PARRISH TOWNHOUSE - NIGHT Parrish leads the way, Joe beside him as they progress through the huge house.>>完整场景