
n. 困难,困境


Michael is sitting in an easy chair; he seems to have difficulty with his eyes.>>完整场景
A hundred million dollars. But only if this Government relaxes its restrictions on importing building materials; we'll need some new laws, too, but that will be no difficulty.>>完整场景
Pentangeli has led Mama up to the dance floor, and is having some difficulty with the orchestra.>>完整场景
Then MICHAEL, having difficulty expressing himself in Italian, accidentally lapses into English.>>完整场景
FREDDIE is hysterical; he tries to get out of the car; having difficulty opening the door. He rushes out, a gun trembling in his hand; his mouth open. He actually drops the gun.>>完整场景
The sun came out just then and shone so brightly on the white plains that some of the men had to shield their eyes. Newt finally got a place by the fire, but by then the Captain was anxious to move on and he didn’t get to dry his socks. He tried to pull his boots on but had no luck until Po Campo noticed his difficulty and came over with a little flour, which he sprinkled in the boots.“This will help,” he said, and he was right, though getting the boots on still wasn’t easy.>>完整场景
“We might as well cross while the crossing’s good,” Augustus said. “It could come another rain.” He folded the tent, which was awkward to carry on a horse. His horse didn’t like it and tried to pitch, but Augustus finally got him settled down. The river had gone down some, and they crossed without difficulty and made camp on a long ridge about two miles to the north of it.>>完整场景
A cattle drive, for all its difficulty, wasn’t so imperative. He didn’t feel the old sense of adventure, though perhaps it would come once they got beyond the settled country.>>完整场景
For several days the crew ate the fiery beans without complaint, only the Irishmen showing pronounced ill effects. Young Sean had difficulty with the peppers. He could not eat the beans without weeping, but, with all the work, his appetite raged to such a point that he could not avoid the beans. He ate them and wept. Most of the crew liked the boy and had decided to treat his frequent weepings as simply a mild aberration, related in some way to his nationality.>>完整场景
“I swear,” he said. “Jake’s just like he used to be.” An hour later they found the main horse herd in a narrow valley several miles to the north. Call estimated it to be over a hundred horses strong. The situation had its difficulty, the main one being that the horses were barely a mile from the Flores headquarters, and on the wrong side of it at that. It would be necessary to bring them back past the hacienda, or else take them north to the river, a considerably longer route. If Pedro Flores and his men chose to pursue, they would have a fine chance of catching them out in the open, in broad daylight, several miles from help. It would be himself and Pea and the boy against a small army of vaqueros.>>完整场景
111EXTJUNGLEDAY GRANT and LEX continue to climb down the fence. Tim is having difficulty - - just as he's about to take another step, he loses his footing and almost falls... but then regains control and hangs on.>>完整场景
Edward slurps down as much of the Ensure as he can stand, then pushes the can away. He swallows with difficulty.>>完整场景
657. The minority of us are confronted with difficulty in the frontier of the major.>>完整场景
If the advance runs into difficulty, we call in the Air Force with purple smoke.>>完整场景
(on T.V.) Pediaease Cough Suppressant... gentle, fast, effective. Cole watches Tommy running around in his T.V. background, the very next T.V. morning. He's not sick anymore. Tommy waves to the camera smiling and healthy. The T.V. goes BLACK as Cole throws his shoe at the power button. He moves to the dinner table where Lynn is seated. Cole sits. His hands go on the table. He's wearing a pair of his father's extra large LEATHER GLOVES. Cole's small hands don't even fill the palm area. Cole has difficulty trying to pick up his milk glass with the gloves.>>完整场景

EXT. BENCH - AFTERNOON The legend, "Two Years Later" appears. A man flips open a worn file folder on his lap. Handwritten notes fill every line. At the top of the first page reads, "Vincent Gray, age 10, Referred January 19, 1989." The man's hand touches the name almost reverently.He glances through the page. Words and phrases are circled throughout the file. "...Acute anxiety" "...Socially isolated" "...Possible mood disorder" "...Parent status -- Divorced" "...Communication difficulty between mother-child dyad" The man's hands flip the page. At the top of this new page reads, "Cole Sear, age 8, Referred September 1998." As the man's fingers move through the notes we again see words and phrases circled throughout this new case history. "...Acute anxiety" "...Socially isolated" "...Possible mood disorder" "...Parent status -- Divorced" "...Communication difficulty between mother-child dyad" The hands close the notepad. The hands are slightly shaking now. WE PULL BACK to reveal the shaking hands belong to Dr. Malcolm Crowe. Malcolm sits on a sidewalk bench facing a row of brownstone homes across the street. He gazes blankly at the brownstones. Beat. A door opens. Malcolm is brought out of his trance. COLE SEAR steps out his front door. Cole is a munchkin of a boy with large, black eyes that seem to take in everything around him. His hair is dark, with a small patch of jet white on the side. Cole carefully locks the door behind him. He moves to the bottom of the stairs and looks around nervously. Anxiously. The eight-year-old child reaches into his pocket and slips on a pair of VERY LARGE GLASSES. They look comical on him. Malcolm rises to his feet. He smooths out his shirt. Looks down and buttons his jacket. When he looks up, Cole is gone. Malcolm barely catches a glimpse of the boy. Cole runs at full speed down the street and turns the corner. TINY SNEAKERS SCREECHING ON THE SIDEWALK.For a second, Malcolm doesn't react. The second passes. He stuffs the file in his bag and starts running too.
You've got a deal. Parrish seems relieved. He has now, with some difficulty, completed the tying of Joe's tie, adjusts it beautifully on Joe's collar, then spins him around in front of a mirror. Joe, catching sight of his own appearance, rises to the balls of his feet, quite taken. JOE (cont'd) This is great! (a moment) Now what do we do?>>完整场景