

It was Pea’s one close exposure to an aspect of womankind that Gus was always talking about—their penchant for flyingdirectly in the face of reason. Mary was as wet on the top as on the bottom, and the flapping sheet had knocked one of the combs out of her hair, causing it to come loose. The wash was as wet as it had been before she hung it up in the first place, and yet she wasn’t quitting. She was taking clothes off the line that would just have to be hung back on in fifteen minutes, and Pea was helping her do it as if it all made some sense. While he was steadying the clothesline he happened to notice something that gave him almost as hard a jolt as the bolt of lightning that killed Josh Cole: the clothes he had rescued were undergarments—white bloomers of the sort that it was obvious Mary was wearing beneath the skirt that was so wet against her legs. Pea was so shocked that he almost dropped the underpants back in the mud. She was bound to think it bold that he would pick up her undergarments like that—yet she was determined to have the sheets off the line and all he could do was stand there numb with embarrassment. It was a blessing that rain soon began to pour off his hat brim in streams right in front of his face, making a little waterfall for him to hide behind until the ordeal ended. With the water running off his hat he only caught blurred glimpses of what was going on—he could not judge to what extent Mary had been shocked by his helpful but thoughtless act.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Even more persistent than the thought of her reading the Psalms was another memory. One day he had been passing her house just as a little thunderstorm swept through the town, scaring the dogs and cats and rolling tumbleweeds down the middle of the street. Mary had hung a washing and was out in her backyard trying to get it in before the rain struck, but the thunderstorm proved too quick for her. Big drops of rain began to splatter in the dust, and the wind got higher, causing the sheets on Mary’s clothesline to flap so hard they popped like guns. Pea had been raised to be helpful, and since it was obvious that Mary was going to have a hard time with the sheets, he started over to offer his assistance.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
R.L. Rakel Lunde, 1957 - Cleaning woman and part-time palm reader, tied up with a clothesline, gagged, raped, head crushed with a rock.
>> 龙纹身女孩 The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo Movie Script
Big Paul is silent. Getty darkens, glowering, then walksaway, pushing the clothesline aside as he crosses the room.
>> 金钱世界 All the Money in the World Movie Script
INT. HOTEL CORRIDOR -- NIGHT Parked outside the door is a room-service cart piled highwith dirty trays. A "NON DISTURBARE" sign hangs from thedoorknob. The Concierge KNOCKS gently. We PUSH into INT. HOTEL SUITE -- NIGHT A CLOTHESLINE is strung across the length of the room, fromwhich are suspended a line of MEN'S UNDERPANTS on clothespins.
>> 金钱世界 All the Money in the World Movie Script