
adv. 向下,下去;在下面


We have to try. We can get away as it takes down the Pearl.>>完整场景
- Down!>>完整场景
- Down, then!>>完整场景
I cut down anyone in my path.>>完整场景
Well, if you believe such things, there's a beast does the bidding of Davy Jones - a fearsome creature with giant tentacles that'll suction your face clean off and drag an entire ship down to the crushing darkness.>>完整场景
- Tell them to let me down!>>完整场景
I ended up on the bottom of the ocean, the weight of the water crushing down on me.>>完整场景
Stand your men down at once.>>完整场景
I will not have that smile on your face as I strike you down.>>完整场景
- Aye... That be the cold breath of fate I feel down my nape ?>>完整场景
You pushed me down out of the way.>>完整场景
- Wine, music, candle light... I think we've traveled down this road before, Jack.>>完整场景
Take him men and tie him down tight.>>完整场景
- If we're navigating down a hallway, and there's a door, that becomes a judgment call.>>完整场景
- [Narrator] But steering the ROV down to the lower deck is a challenge.>>完整场景
- [Narrator] The divers have identified a hatch on the second deck, which the team believes will lead them down to the third deck.>>完整场景
Tomorrow, they will look for a better access point down to the third deck.>>完整场景
Looks like we could go look down there and see if it's going to open and not go too far.>>完整场景
- So let's see, let's see if it goes down, and we can penetrate down below decks.>>完整场景
- [Narrator] Searching for a passage to the third deck, the team steers the ROV forward, closer to the blast area where the wreckage is torn open, in hope to find a way down to the third deck.>>完整场景
But deeper down in the ship, conditions might be different.>>完整场景
- Go to the right, and down.>>完整场景
(divers talking over radio) - So basically what we'll do is we'll drop the ROV down and we'll investigate the second deck, and find access points or stairwells or hatches that go down, and drop the ROV down into the third deck.>>完整场景
A lot of the men had burned right down to the deck.>>完整场景
And I just sort of sank down on my perch and shed a few tears.>>完整场景