n. 小背包;书包
- INT. MICHAEL'S SUITE - MED. CLOSE VIEW - DAY Michael and Fredo in a brother's embrace; they kiss each other. Fredo is still in his jacket, holding the satchel.>> The Godfather: Part II 教父2 1974 Movie Script
- EXT. THE HAVANA CAPRI - DAY Fredo Corleone steps out of a car, squints up at the sunshine and palm trees. He is holding on tightly to a small satchel, which he won't let the bellman carry along with his other things.>> The Godfather: Part II 教父2 1974 Movie Script
- Kyle is fumbling to open the satchel.>> 终结者The Terminator Movie Script
- 244 EXT. INDUSTRIAL SITE - NIGHT 244 Sarah and Kyle scramble up and run across the STORAGE LOT of a MODERN FACTORY COMPLEX of LOW BUILDINGS. Kyle struggles to keep up, holding the satchel.>> 终结者The Terminator Movie Script
- MOVING WITH HER as she scrambles, half-dragging Kyle, through a row of trees at a chainlink retaining fence. She crawls under the fence, tugs Kyle and the satchel through after.>> 终结者The Terminator Movie Script
- Sarah drags Reese, stumbling,to the bike, props him on the seat behind her. He clutches the satchel weakly.>> 终结者The Terminator Movie Script
- Sarah lies on the seat, clutching the nylon satchel, which bulges with the explosive charges. She has dressed hastily and is barefoot.>> 终结者The Terminator Movie Script
- A nylon satchel lies nearby. The mess is cleaned up.>> 终结者The Terminator Movie Script
- Reese leaps up and straight-arms a satchel-charge into its path. One tread rolls over the explosive.>> 终结者The Terminator Movie Script
- Wade tosses a SATCHEL CHARGE into a gun port. A HUGE, MUFFLED EXPLOSION, rocks the bunker.>> 拯救大兵瑞恩 Saving Private Ryan Movie Script
- MILLER motions to WADE, a small, wide-eyed, demolition man who's struggling under the weight of half-a dozen satchel charges.>> 拯救大兵瑞恩 Saving Private Ryan Movie Script
- What's in the satchel?>> 老无所依No Country for Old Men Movie Script