
adj. 单调的,无抑扬顿挫的;无变化的


“Bol might have been taking target practice,” Augustus said. “He might have fired at a cowpie.” “It don’t matter what it was,” Call said. “The damage is done.” Augustus was enjoying the little break the accident produced. Walking along all day beside a cow herd was already proving monotonous—any steady work had always struck him as monotonous. It was mainly accidents of one kind and another that kept life interesting, in his view, the days otherwise being mainly repetitious things, livened up mostly by the occasional card game.>>完整场景
I have a very monotonous life.>>完整场景
3 INT. LANDING - POWELL’S HOUSE - SURREY - NIGHT 3 POWELL, in her pyjamas, exits her bedroom, crosses the landing and stops at the bedroom from where the monotonous bass is emanating.>>完整场景