
adj. 威严的;奥林匹克竞赛的;奥林匹斯山的


Unless the enemy has studied his Agrippa- And now, with the grace of an Olympian, Inigo flies off the perch, somersaults clean over the Man In Black's head, and lands facing his opponent.>>完整场景
187 INT. HALL - SCHOOL - BEIJING - NIGHT 187 Rows of table tennis tables fill a large hall. Dozens of Chinese adolescents in red training shirts are crowded around a central table where KEN STANITZKE, the US Secretary of State, is playing a friendly match with a CHINESE JUNIOR OLYMPIAN PLAYER.>>完整场景
They depict naked gods and goddesses, in Olympian orgies.>>完整场景
I'm like an Olympian.>>完整场景