
adj. 肮脏的;破旧的;不整齐的


MED. CLOSE VIEW on one of these men, FRANKIE PENTANGELI, approaching his sixties, with gray hair (the little of it left). He's a bit scruffy, this morning's shave of his white beard is not perfect, and he seems tired. He is accompanied by an associate-bodyguard, WILLY CICCI; thin and dark, and also dressed up for the occasion. Frankie tries to get the attention of one of the waiters; a college-groomed young man in white sports jacket and black bow-tie.>>完整场景
The students are doing their own thing, and they are a mixture of old and young, men and women. They are not dressed alike, as they would be in a Karate school: they are dressed in old T-shirts and tattered sweat pants. This is not a wealthy school, by any means, and that is typified by the appearance of SIFU KWAN, who is walking through the students as they train. He is wizened old man, 70 years old if he is a day, and he is dressed in a fraying Chinese jacket, scruffy cloth shoes and a discolored Chinese T-shirt.>>完整场景
Ellie didn’t know what was wrong. He could see it was her, and yet he hardly looked at her. He seemed scared, and his hair had little pieces of cotton ticking in it from a tear in the thin mattress he slept on. The scruffy growth of whiskers made him seem a lot older than she had remembered him.>>完整场景
The scruffy GUNMAN yells up at TV NEWS HELICOPTERS.>>完整场景
I mean. we were these scruffy crazies... ---messing around with computer stuff the IBM guys thought was, like, toys.>>完整场景