
n. 贷款;借款


So as some of you may know, bear-stearns has just received a loan from j.P. Morgan of course we're gonna have to see how the markets react but that should lay to rest any concerns about the bank self!>>完整场景
No, no, no you say you always do adjustables and you have more than one loan on a property?>>完整场景
If I write a loan on Friday afternoon, big bank is gonna buy it by Monday lunch.>>完整场景
Well, my firm offers a ninja loan.>>完整场景
Please excuse me... Your gold mines dried up Yeah There's still a little matter of the $ 150,000 loan, I've discreetly left off the books Your can't even meet the payroll for your coolies Damn your smell like a pail of dung Here, try some of these Maybe it'll help your breath Put a $ 100,000 is in the safe I'll take care of everything else What? Another $ 100,000 Do as I say Keep your faces covered, I want your identities kept secret I'd mark pretty face on every post office and board... besides the Mississippi Hell I want to be famous Shut up!>>完整场景
“Yes, Mr. Auld was kind enough to loan him to me,” Augustus said, staring the man down. “I’ve a ruined leg and would appreciate it if someone would locate me a medical man quick.” The men walked out and came around the horse. When they saw the leg, one whistled.>>完整场景
The clerk shook his head. “Not so far as I know,” he said. “He’s up in Ogallala or Deadwood or somewhere, where there’s lots of whores and not too much law. I imagine he’s got five or six whores in his string right now. Of course he could have died, but he’s my nephew and I ain’t heard no news to that effect.” “Thank you for the loan of the pencil,” July said. He turned and walked out. He went straight to the livery stable and got his new horse, whose name was Pete. If Elmira wasn’t in Dodge she might be in Abilene, so he might as well start. But he didn’t start. He rode halfway out of town and then went back to the third saloon from the post office and inquired about the woman named Jennie. They said she had moved to another bar, up the street—a cowboy was even kind enough to point out the bar. A herd had been sold that morning and was being loaded onto boxcars. July rode over and watched the work a while—slow work and made slower by the cattle’s long horns, which kept getting tangled with one another as the cattle were being forced up the narrow loading chute. The cowboys yelled and popped their quirts, and the horses behaved expertly, but despite that, it seemed to take a long time to fill a boxcar.>>完整场景
“This is as good as we’ll get,” Augustus said. “What I’d like is the loan of a horse for the night. I’ll have him back by breakfast, and maybe a few others to boot.” “You want to go at them alone?” July asked.>>完整场景
He’s the best card cheat I ever met. He don’t cheat often, but when he does you ain’t gonna catch him.” He wiped some of the mud off her belly. “Now that you’re rich you can loan me twenty,” he said.>>完整场景
“I want a poke,” he said, as casual as if he were asking her to loan him two bits.>>完整场景
“I’d not want it thought I’d refuse a simple loan to a friend,” Augustus said. “Specially not one who’s going off with Shanghai Pierce.” “Oh, Mr. Pierce don’t go with us,” Dish said. “He goes over to New Orleans and takes the train.” Augustus said nothing, and Dish soon concluded that he was to get the loan, even if the aggravation of Mr. Pierce’s company wasn’t involved.>>完整场景
“Not me,” Augustus said. “Why would I loan money to a loafer? You ought to be trailing cattle by this time of year.” “I’ll be leaving next week to do just that,” Dish said. “Loan me two dollars and I’ll pay you in the fall.” “Unless you drown or get stomped or shoot somebody and get hung,” Augustus said. “No sir. Too many perils ahead.>>完整场景
That’s one thing I like about what I do, the opportunity to make that right. Take this kid we had interning last year. Didn’t want to be a broker, wanted to be an environmental scientist or something, he had a student loan debts up to his eyeballs. Anyway, his mom gets sick, all they can afford is third-rate care. Some of us got together, made an investment on his behalf and -- boom -- overnight everything changes, she’s seeing the best doctors in the country. Sadly, didn’t work out, she passed but>>完整场景
INT. SMALL BANK - DAY Irving and Sydney sit in front of a banker asking for a loan.>>完整场景
IRVING ROSENFELD (V.O.) We got a loan from a bank and were able to go gallery legitimate.>>完整场景
EDITH GREENSLY: I was trying to get him to be more aggressive. On his loan that is.>>完整场景
WE NOW SEE THE MARK: A charismatic, mercurial, wild eyed BUSINESSMAN “MORT PAPIERMAN” in need of a loan.>>完整场景
SYDNEY PROSSER (CONT’D) (British accent) I have royal banking connections in London. I’d love to help you with your loan but of course I have to be very selective.>>完整场景
IRVING ROSENFELD These guys are lousy risks, you know? I can’t get them a loan but I get my fee. Five thousand.>>完整场景
EDWARD (V.O.) It turned out the savings and loan hadalready been robbed -- not by armedbandits, but by speculators in Texasreal estate.>>完整场景
So, uh, Liev told you that I'm looking for a short-term loan?>>完整场景
Could you loan me 5 bucks?>>完整场景
Wishbone, I want these loan applications by tomorrow.>>完整场景
Jesus-- What do you want for the loan?>>完整场景
If I had collateral, why would I be begging for a loan?>>完整场景