
adj. 跳跃的;巨大的;活泼的


A steel bomb crashes through the roof and slams through the room, taking out tables and chairs before bouncing off the wall and coming to a stop.
>> Pearl Harbor 珍珠港(2001) Movie Script
DON TOMMASSINO waves them off, as the little car drives off, rocky and bouncing on the dirt road.
>> The Godfather教父 1972 Movie Script
HAGEN hesitates. We HEAR LUCY's head bouncing against the door again. TOM leaves.
>> The Godfather教父 1972 Movie Script
Her head bouncing against the door with the rhythm of his body. But there is a knocking as well. They stop, freeze in that position.
>> The Godfather教父 1972 Movie Script
It was a dry year, the grass of the llano brown, the long plain shimmering with mirages. Call followed the Pecos, down through Bosque Redondo and south through New Mexico. He knew it was dangerous—in such a year, Indians might follow the river too. But he feared the drought worse. At night lightning flickered high above the plains; thunder rumbledbut no rain fell. The days were dull and hot, and he saw no one—just an occasional antelope. His animals were tiring, and so was he. He tried driving at night but had to give it up—too often he would nod off, and once came within an ace of smashing a buggy wheel. The coffin was sprung from so much bouncing and began to leak a fine trail of salt.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Finally he was asked about Augustus and the purpose of his journey so many times that he couldn’t tolerate it. He turned west into Colorado, meaning to skirt the main cattle trails. He was tired of meeting people. His only moments of peace came late in the day when he was too tired to think and was just bouncing along with Gus.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Call looked and saw that the mules were dashing off back toward the Powder, Lippy sawing futilely on the reins and bouncing a foot off the wagon seat from time to time.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
He crouched under the horse until the hailstorm subsided, which was not more than ten minutes after it began. The muddy banks of the Canadian were covered with hailstones, and so were the plains around them. The cattle and horses crunched through the hail as they walked. Isolated stones continued to plop down now and then, bouncing off the ones already there.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Newt didn’t know what was happening when the first hailstones hit. When he saw the tiny white pellets bouncing on the grass he assumed he was at last seeing snow.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Hailstones were hitting all around him, bouncing off his arms, his saddle, his horse—and they were getting larger by the minute. Dish came riding over, still naked, trying to shelter his face and head with one arm. Hailstones were falling everywhere, splashing into the river, bouncing off the backs of the cattle and plunking into the muddy banks.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
He crouched under the horse until the hailstorm subsided, which was not more than ten minutes after it began. The muddy banks of the Canadian were covered with hailstones, and so were the plains around them. The cattle and horses crunched through the hail as they walked. Isolated stones continued to plop down now and then, bouncing off the ones already there.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Newt didn’t know what was happening when the first hailstones hit. When he saw the tiny white pellets bouncing on the grass he assumed he was at last seeing snow.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Hailstones were hitting all around him, bouncing off his arms, his saddle, his horse—and they were getting larger by the minute. Dish came riding over, still naked, trying to shelter his face and head with one arm. Hailstones were falling everywhere, splashing into the river, bouncing off the backs of the cattle and plunking into the muddy banks.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“All right,” he said, quickly sorting over in his head who should be assigned to do what. “These are mainly Wilbarger’s horses. The reason they’re so gentle is because they’ve been run to a frazzle, and they’re used to Texans besides.” “I’d catch one and ride him home, if I could find one that paces,” Jake said. “I’m about give out from bouncing on this old trotter you boys gave me.” “Jake’s used to feather pillows and Arkansas whores,” Augustus said. “It’s a pity he has to associate with hard old cobs like us.” “You two can jabber tomorrow,” Call said. “Pedro’s horses have got to be somewhere. I’d like to make a run at them before I quit. That means we have to split three ways.” “Leave me split the shortest way home,” Jake said, never too proud to complain. “I’ve bounced my ass over enough of Mexico.” “All right,” Call said. “You and Deets and Dish take these horses home.” He would have liked to have Deets with him, but Deets was the only one he knew for certain could take the Wilbarger horses on a line for Lonesome Dove. Dish Boggett, though said to be a good hand, was an untested quality, whereas Jake was probably lost himself.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
It put Dish in a deep quandary. He had been more than ready to commit murder, but how he had no victim to commit it on. For a moment he tried to convince himself he hadn’t heard what he had heard. Perhaps Lorena was just bouncing on the cornshucks for the sake of bouncing. But that theory wouldn’t hold. Even a lighthearted girl wouldn’t want to bounce on a cornshuck mattress on a hot afternoon, and anyway Lorena wasn’t a lighthearted girl. Some man had prompted the
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
The three SEXY GIRLS take us into INT. RUBY SKYE - CONTINUOUS It's a hundred-year old theater that's been converted into a 21st Century hot spot for Silicon Valley's rock stars. The lower level is a giant dance floor packed"with sweating 20- somethings bouncing to pounding house music. There are raised blocks where scantily dressed professional. dancers perform non- stop. A huge lighting grid hangs from the ceiling shooting colored lights and lasers everywhere. Also hanging from the ceiling are two trapeze bars with two performers swinging and contorting.
>> 社交网络 The Social Network Movie Script
52 OMITTED 52 53 INT. SARAH'S APARTMENT/BATHROOM/LIVING ROOM - NIGHT 53 Sarah and Ginger are crammed into the tiny bathroom, becoming inextricably tangled in each other's cords as they blow-dry, curl hair, and apply make-up. Ginger has her headphones inverted under her chin but in place, and is bouncing to music as she dries her hair. She is wearing a short terry-cloth bathrobe that reveals the greater part of her legs. Sarah is in a skirt and bra.
>> 终结者The Terminator Movie Script
Bouncing on my knee.
>> 亚瑟王:斗兽争霸 King Arthur: Legend of the Sword Movie Script
Back then, he was always bouncing checks.
>> 战争之王 Lord Of War Movie Script
Hit the deck! Mines! As Blue team goes to the ground, Neil sees mines start to EXPLODE/IMPLODE in a wave towards him as the GREY TRUCK RACES BACKWARDS down the hill through the minefield, REVERSE- TRIGGERING THE MINES – Neil DIVES out of the way, almost run over... Then gets up to follow the ‘path’ of the grey truck... EXT. PRIVATE DECK, SATOR’S YACHT – LATE AFTERNOON Kat unzips the diver’s bag, feels the handle of the gun, then slides the bag under the daybed, checking she can reach. She moves to the rail, crouches to UNCLIP the bottom safety cable. She looks at Mahir’s boat across the water... EXT. CITY STREETS, STALSK-12 – DAY Ives leads Red team into the deserted concrete structures via an efficient cover-and-move formation... the Protagonist shelters behind LARGE CONCRETE CHUNKS. Which VIBRATE... GATHERING ENERGY... The Protagonist JUMPS AWAY as the chunks RIP FROM THE GROUND, BOUNCING VIOLENTLY, DUSTILY OFF EACH OTHER AND FLYING UP INTO A GAP IN THE SIDE OF A BUILDING as an INVERSE RPG ZIPS back up into a WINDOW – Ives has spotted the window and calls for an RPG to ‘follow’ the inverse one, BLASTING the building... the Protagonist checks his watch – ‘8:10’, ‘8:09’... EXT. HYPOCENTRE RIDGE, STALSK-12 – DAY Neil checks his watch – ‘8:08’, ‘8:07’... he heads downhill, towards the city, where the rest of Blue team BEAT BACK the enemy... EXT. PRIVATE DECK, SATOR’S YACHT – LATE AFTERNOON Kat hoses the raspberries and glass from the deck... Sator appears, watching as she turns the water on herself.
>> 信条Tenet Movie Script
INT. /EXT. SAAB – CONTINUOUS The Protagonist finds a clear lane and guns the engine, tracking the Mercedes as it pulls alongside the Audi, racing ‘forwards’, and Sator, orange case in hand, climbs from the Mercedes into the Audi... The Audi pulls alongside the BMW – the Protagonist, sensing the moment, LOWERS HIS WINDOW... Sator lifts the orange case, BUT HIS EYES ARE ELSEWHERE – Inside the Saab, the Protagonist hears BANGING – the BLACK METAL SHAPE ‘unwedges’ from where it’s been stuck down the side of a seat – ‘BOUNCING’ around the interior – The Saab CUTS between the Audi and the BMW – The orange case FLIES OUT OF SATOR’S HANDS – BOUNCES OFF THE SAAB’S WINDSHIELD, ‘LANDING’ IN THE BMW – JUST AS THE BLACK METAL SHAPE JUMPS OUT OF THE SAAB AND INTO THE (FORWARD) PROTAGONIST’S LOWER HAND... Sator, SEEING THIS, YANKS the wheel – CLIPS the Saab – the Protagonist STRUGGLES for control – but the Saab SPINS AND ROLLS DOWN THE HIGHWAY, COMING TO REST ON ITS ROOF.
>> 信条Tenet Movie Script
SELINA freaks out as bullets CLINK and CLANK around her, bouncing off sinister looking canisters strapped in the area where the back seat should be.
>> 蝙蝠侠:元年 Batman: Year One Movie Script
Andy whips the reel of film around in a vicious arc, smashing it into Rooster's face and bouncing him off the wall.
>> 肖申克的救赎Shawshank Redemption Movie Script
He raises his head enough to see his side-view. It shows sluing, bouncing, empty street, rough guide for steering.
>> 老无所依No Country for Old Men Movie Script
Bouncing through ungraded terrain.
>> 老无所依No Country for Old Men Movie Script