
aux. 可能,可以;愿意


I may have unintentionally slighted some king or other.>>完整场景
Oh, set sail, love to. But for that I may need a ship.>>完整场景
As may be, but first...What has become of my beloved Pearl?>>完整场景
If I may be so bold.>>完整场景
When we go in there, we need to be effective, and we need to be successful, because we may not get another chance for another 15 years.>>完整场景
The Chinese didn't receive our request for homing beacons until is was too late to get them set. And the planes had to take off so early they may lack fuel to make the mainland anyway.>>完整场景
Just what significance the hour set may have we do not know, but be on alert accordingly.">>完整场景
But I do have a warning for you. There's one line you all need to know, and you're likely to hear it from any man in a uniform. It goes like this: "Honey, Baby... We never know what's gonna happen, and I may die tomorrow...so, let's live all we can tonight.">>完整场景
So as some of you may know, bear-stearns has just received a loan from j.P. Morgan of course we're gonna have to see how the markets react but that should lay to rest any concerns about the bank self!>>完整场景
To all investors, as you may know, our agreement allows me, to take extraordinary measures when markets aren't functioning properly I currently have reason to believe the mortgage-bond market is fraudulent so, in order to protect investors from this fraudulent market I've decided to restrict investor withdrawals until further notice.>>完整场景
I may have been early, but I'm not wrong!>>完整场景
We may not be in time to save him.>>完整场景
Some day, you may have to do a difficult service for me.>>完整场景
He may not survive anyway.>>完整场景
Mr Chairman, if l may?>>完整场景
Holy Mary, mother of God, pray for us sinners... Almighty God, bless the insignia of Saint Sebastian the Martyr, that it may contribute to the sacredness of him to whom it is given.>>完整场景
Vincenzo stares at him, uncomprehending. There may just be a shadow of contempt. He doesn't answer.>>完整场景
However, it will continue Monday morning, at eleven a.m. At that time, this committee will then produce a witness directly linking Mr. Corleone to the charges we have made. And then, Mr. Corleone may very well by liable for indictments of perjury. However, this document will be made a matter of record.>>完整场景
We believe in non-intervention... but the agreement stipulates that our forces may be withdrawn... but as you've seen, we have not withdrawn them.>>完整场景
Your Excellency, perhaps you could discuss the status of rebel activity and how this may affect our businesses.>>完整场景
Ephetha...be opened...So you may perceive the fragrance of God's sweetness.>>完整场景
Things may get tough with the move we're trying.>>完整场景
How come you don't tell that nice girl you love her...here, learn something... you may have to feed fifty guys some day. You start with olive oil...fry some garlic, see. And then fry some sausage...or meat balls if you like...then you throw in the tomatoes, the tomato paste...some basil; and a little red wine...that's my trick.>>完整场景
Sollozzo is vouched for by the Tattaglia family, and they may have a piece of the action. They call Sollozzo the Turk.>>完整场景
Some day, and that day may never come, I would like to call upon you to do me a service in return.>>完整场景