
adv. 后来,以后


So, you're not after the fountain.>>完整场景
- [Narrator] One day after the attack, the United States declares war against Japan and subsequently against the empire's European allies, too.>>完整场景
- [Narrator] After investigating the wreckage for more than three hours, the team decides to call it a day, and to pull the ROV back out.>>完整场景
- [Narrator] After the recovery of more than 200 bodies, the Navy is forced to stop the retrieval effort because of increasingly dangerous conditions.>>完整场景
- [Narrator] After the fire subsides, Seaman Sterling Cale is assigned to lead a group of 10 sailors to recover bodies from the wreckage.>>完整场景
- [Narrator] After weeks of work, the expedition team sets its sights on exploring the second deck of the Arizona.>>完整场景
- [Narrator] After weeks of preparation, the team is ready to field test their custom-built ROV.>>完整场景
It'd be like a homecoming, I guess maybe, after all these years.>>完整场景
- [Narrator] 75 years after the attack, the National Park Service is about to board the Arizona once more.>>完整场景
The Doolittle Raid was the pivotal moment of America's war with Japan. Before it, America knew nothing but defeat; after it, nothing but victory.>>完整场景
Everyone is busy, and even the wounded are looking out for each other; a man with his arms in an airplane splint holds a spoon and feeds a badly burned buddy. Evelyn and her overworked nurses are looking after the critical cases. But as she covers the windows with blackout curtains, she stops for just a moment to stare at the sun's last rays.>>完整场景
The others are grouped after them. They maintain strict radio silence, and can communicate only with gestures, hand signals, or a flasher for Morse code. When Rafe speaks to the crew of his own plane, it's by pressing an intercom sender to his throat.>>完整场景
EXT. PACIFIC - DAY The cruiser NASHVILLE begins firing rounds at the Japanese patrol boat; round after round misses.>>完整场景
We'll take off late this afternoon. I'll hit Tokyo at dusk, and drop incendiary bombs. You'll come after me at night, guided by the fires. Then it's on to China, where you'll arrive at dawn, guided to their airfields by the homing beacons the Chinese are going to switch on for us. That's if everything is perfect -- like every other military mission I've ever been involved with.>>完整场景
MONTAGE CONTINUES - EXT. EGLIN FIELD RUNWAY - DAY Pilots practice hard, revving the engines, taking off hard...all of them crossing the red line, takeoff after takeoff. Rafe pushes his engine hard and still crosses by twenty feet; Danny pushes even harder, and misses by ten feet.>>完整场景
GENERAL MARSHALL We've done studies. We're confident we would turn them back eventually...after they'd gotten as far as Chicago.>>完整场景
Rafe and Danny brace the dinghy so it doesn't move; but they still don't see what Dorie is after as he fishes down in the water, for something barely at the surface; he works for a moment, then pulls it up.>>完整场景
EXT. THE NEVADA - DAY The Nevada, run aground at the shoreline, is now like a beast cut from the herd; the predators swarm after it with torpedoes and bombs.>>完整场景
They turn back after the line of Zeros. There are some Japanese planes coming after them now, but the P-40's head at their noses, firing, then duck past in a double maneuver, and turn right back into the Japanese formation.>>完整场景
EXT. ABOVE OAHU - THE DOGFIGHT - DAY The Japanese planes are in tight, disciplined formation, their minds on the targets below them in the harbor. But their day of shooting sitting ducks changes as the two P-40's blast in, wing guns blazing, chopping into Two Zeros. Both Zeros falter and begin to lose altitude. The P-40's make almost impossible tight turns, still side-by-side, and go after the two plane they crippled on the first pass.>>完整场景
Danny banks in one direction, Rafe in another... EXT. OVER THE LANDING STRIP - DAY The two P-40's are screaming, rushing at each other like they did at the training base back in the states, flying right into each other's propellers; the Japanese heading after them realize they're rushing headlong at the other group...>>完整场景
As the Zero pilots see the Buick moving, they go after it.>>完整场景
The nurses and patients look up after the explosions have passed; there's a chunk of smoking shrapnel lying on the springs of the bunk where the last man had been lying.>>完整场景
EXT. ESTABLISHING - RADAR STATION - PEARL HARBOR - DAWN INT. RADAR STATION - PEARL HARBOR - DAWN There are two guys left in the room, yawning over their new radar equipment. The Officer, ELLIS, checks his watch; it's a few minutes after seven a.m.>>完整场景
EXT. PACIFIC OCEAN - NEAR PEARL HARBOR - NIGHT The American destroyer WARD cuts through the water, moving back into port after a night patrol. It's CAPTAIN is on the bridge, and its lookouts are still scanning the waters.>>完整场景