n. 要求;规定;C大调音阶中的第一音
- He who wants to do good knocks at the gate; he who loves finds the gate open.>> Stray Birds
- Sit still, my heart, do not raise your dust. Let the world find its way to you.>> Stray Birds
- 4.冻结freeze:
- networks=["192.168.1"]; networks.delete_if do {|net| !ping(net + ".1"}; freeze冻结数组;数组冻结,无法增删,但元素依然可变; [...].map!(&:freeze).freeze; Defaults.freeze; 三个级别的冻结: 模块,对象,对象里面的元素;>> Effective Ruby
- Do in Rome as the Romans do.>> 16. Slang in Tour Guiding
- Do you have the return plane tickets yourself?>> 14. Checking out
- If you haven't decided what to do, I'd like to give you some suggestions.>> 13. Evening and Free Day Activities
- Do you have any plan for tomorrow?>> 13. Evening and Free Day Activities
- What would you like to do this evening?>> 13. Evening and Free Day Activities
- Do some exercise.>> you make your habits,your habits make you
- Do you need a knife and a fork?>> 8. Arrange Meals
- Do you like Chinese food?>> 8. Arrange Meals
- Do you need me to take a picture for you two?>> 7. visiting and sightseeing
- Do you think two hours for the Great Wall is enough?>> 7. visiting and sightseeing
- Do you need a morning call?>> 3 checking in
- How many pieces of check-in luggage do you have altogether?
您总共有多少件托运行李?>> 2. Metting the Group- Do I need to make the meal reservation for the group?>> 1. Making preparations 1-11
- The FIRE movement (financial independence, retire early) preaches the value of aggressive saving and prudent investing. Many people who adhere to FIRE principals don't even plan to retire early—but they do want the ability to make choices without being tethered to a traditional day job.
FIRE运动(财务独立、提前退休)宣扬积极储蓄和谨慎投资的价值。许多遵守FIRE原则的人甚至不打算提前退休,但他们确实希望能够在不受传统日常工作束缚的情况下做出选择。>> FIRE生活- What should a tour guide do if the flight of the tour group is delayed?>> Meeting the Guests at the Airport
- And then, we do the authentication using the email address and passwords, and start a new session from there.>> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company
- Everything else by default will be behind the authentication lock! There's also a rate limit to make sure that people don't bombard you with attempts to log into users do not have access to.>> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company
- And as you can see here, I sped things up a little bit, but it was about 80 seconds on my linux machine from a cold boot to do that.>> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company
- And it will deploy it, push it out, do it in a red green deployment or blue green deployment such that there is no gap in that deployment as you set things up.>> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company
- And that is basically it. Now if I go over here and I add a comment to one of these, you see the comment was added on the left immediately at the same time. That's all web sockets automatically happening through action cable. And we can do it , of course the other way as well.>> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company
- So if we scroll down to the bottom here, we are ready. The first thing we're gonna do, we're gonna add a turbo stream from post to the show files to the show template.That's gonna set up the web socket connection and subscribe us to a channel named after that particular post that's pasted in.>> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company
- zoo:
- And we will give it a format for what it should do with UTC timestamp, and turning it into a local time that we can have a look at.So if I reload here, you see it is November 13th, by the time of my recording at 3:28 PM in my local time zone, but actually underneath, the time tag is gonna be in UTC. That means we can cache this, and anyone around the world will still get the time displayed in their local time.>> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company