n. 内容,目录;容量;满足
- And your comment is just be a text area for content. We could have made this a rich text field as well, but let's keep things simple and just keep it in plain text!>> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company
- form.text_area :content, size: "20x5">> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company
- The comments is something that belongs to a post, and we will pull out the post ID from the params, that's what's being parsed in as part of the URL, and we will fetch that post, and now we will create the comments associated with that post based on the parameters that are expected as comment content. And then after it's created, we will direct back to the post!>> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company
- So, let's run the migration for that, that sets up the comments table. You can see here the schema that we've now built up. We've added a number of tables for action text and action storage. And then, we have added a comments table. That's what you can see here. As we had it in the migration where we were just referencing the post as a foreign key, and then we had the content as text.>> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company
- rails g resource comment post:reference content:text>> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company
- rush up to her; catch up with; run through a forest; run through the trees; go through the contents; run straight at them. run away;>> 44-Through the Forest
- what you want to do is you want to focus on the important content words.
你想做的是把注意力集中在重要的内容词上。>> You don't need to understand everything at the beginning- They just didn't have a clue as to the content. The best people ,they are best understand the content, they are a pain in the butt to manage, but you put up with it , because they're so great at the content and that's what makes great products, it's not process, it's content.
他们只是对内容一无所知。最优秀的人,他们最了解内容,他们很难管理,但你忍受了,因为他们非常擅长内容,这就是创造伟大产品的原因,这不是过程,而是内容。>> 2024-10 The metamorphosis from anxious wife- When she caught up with them, she saw that they had sat down and were going through the contents of the bag, so she ran straight at them.
当她追上他们时,她看到他们已经坐下来,正在翻包里的东西,于是她径直朝他们跑去。>> 44-Through the Forest- He goes into the small kitchen and unpacks the contents while Janina gazes out of the window.>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script
- If you don't like listening to boring textbook material, find interesting content on YouTube or in podcasts for any language.>> The secret of learning new language [TED]
- Our partners set the criteria to participate in each survey.We use screener questions to see if you are a good fit. If not, try another option. If so, you must meet all other posted requirements, including our Terms, to earn the award. We'll tell you when to expect credit (if not right away). If your responses are inaccurate, inconsistent, or dishonest, or you "speed" through, you may be restricted from future surveys and/or not receive credit for those you completed. You must not share survey contents (including images or media) or your answers-whether online or anywhere else. These are serious violations of our Terms that can lead us to deactivate your account and/or claw back awards. What is your education level? Elementary School Middle School Completed some high school High school graduate Other post high school vocational training Completed some college Associates Degree Bachelor's degree Completed some postgraduate Masters degree Doctorate /PhD None of the above/Prefer not to answer >> 2024-7 beverage and allergic
- Might I point out that we are still short one pirate lord, and I'm as content as a cucumber to wait until Sao Feng joins us.>> Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End加勒比海盗:世界的尽头 Movie Script
- Lord Beckett desires the content of that chest.>> Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest 加勒比海盗2:聚魂棺Movie Script
- It would not match the contents of this room.>> Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides 加勒比海盗:惊涛怪浪 Movie Script
- Ola locks the door; Michael nods, and opens the bag, spilling its contents on the card table.>> The Godfather: Part II 教父2 1974 Movie Script
- The honeymoon hotel:
- CARLO and CONNIE. CARLO is in his undershorts, sitting up on the bed, anxiously taking the envelopes out of the silk bridal purse and counting the contents. CONNIE prepares herself in the large marble bathroom. She rubs her hands over his bronze shoulders, and tries to get his interest.>> The Godfather教父 1972 Movie Script
- The master should be really content if we take only a little grain and leave him the rest. For the moment.>> 1900 Movie Script
- Unencrypted content is never on the server.>> 公正裁决 Equity (2016) Movie Script
- Without thinking, Drew, puts the buckets down, and they both fall over, spilling their contents onto the ground. Drew tries to stop them, but he's too late. The water has all spilled out onto the ground.>> 花旗小和尚 American Shaolin (1992) Movie Script
- So he stayed on and did his work, neither truly content nor bitterly discontented. He still dreamed of Elmira and felt an aching sadness when he thought about her.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- Instead, she was driving a mule wagon across northern Kansas. They had been lucky and seen no Indians, but that could always change. Besides, it soon developed that Luke was going to be as much trouble as an Indian. It was something she knew that Zwey hadn’t noticed. Zwey treated her kindly, insofar as he treated her at all. Now that he had got her to come on a trip he seemed well content. She didn’t have to do anything but be there, and he was surprised when she offered to cook, which she mainly did out of boredom and because Zwey and Luke were such dirty cooks she was afraid she would get poisoned if she didn’t take that chore into her own hands. Zwey exhibited no lustful intentions at all—he seemed happy just to rest his eyes on her at the end of the day.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- The next morning Wilbarger’s old cook came over with some breakfast. It was a fine morning, the sun up and the plains well dried out. Augustus stepped out of the tent, but Lorena was content to look through the flaps.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- She soon got the hang of driving the mules. There was not much to it, for the mules were content to follow the two men on horseback. It was only when the men loped off to hunt that the mules were likely to balk. On the second day out, with the men gone, she crossed a creek whose banks were so steep and rough that she felt sure the wagon would turn over.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- “Oh, I think we should just sit and let her chunk us to death,” Hutto said. “I think it serves us right for being idiots. You was scared of this deputy, when he ain’t no more dangerous than a chicken. Maybe next time you’ll be content to shoot when I want to shoot.” Jim opened his pistol. He was trying to reload and watch for rocks, too, squinting into the darkness. Another rock came in low and he managed to turn and take it on his thigh, but it caused him to drop three bullets.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇