
adj. 瘫痪的;麻痹的


CARLO has barely settled down, when the kids in the street suddenly scatter, and a car comes screeching up the block and to a halt in front of the candy store. The tires scream, and before it seems as though it has even stopped, a MAN comes hurtling out of the driver's seat, moving so fast the everyone is paralyzed. It is a moment before we recognize that it is SONNY.
>> The Godfather教父 1972 Movie Script
He does not make a move, seemingly paralyzed.
>> The Godfather教父 1972 Movie Script
“That’ll teach you to sass me, cowboy,” he said. Then he glanced at the boys. “He can send the bill for this mare to the U.S. Army,” Dixon said. “That is if he ever remembers there was a mare, when he wakes up.” Newt was all but paralyzed with worry. He had seen the pistol butt strike Dish twice, and for all he knew Dish was dead. It had happened so quickly that Ben Rainey still had his hands in the sack of candy.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Lorena came out of the tent for a moment and took the plate. Dish was paralyzed to be so close to her after so many months. She went right back into the tent, “You don’t need to stay,” she said. “I’ll be all right.” “I’ll help you with the tent in the morning,” he said. “Captain said we’re to ease on north.” Lorena didn’t answer. She closed the flaps of the tent.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
With his mind made up, he felt cheerful—it always gave a man a lift to escape death. It was a beautiful sunny day and he was alive to see it. With any luck at all, he had seen the end of the trouble.His good mood lasted two hours, and then something occurred which turned it sour. It seemed as if the world was deserted except for them and the horses, and then to his surprise he saw a tent. It was staked under a single tree, directly ahead of them. Near the tent, two men were plowing with four mules. Dan Suggs was riding ahead of the horse herd, and Jake saw him lope off toward the settlers. He didn’t think much about it—he was watching the tent to see if any women were around. Then he heard the faint pop of a shot and looked up to see one of the settlers fall. The other man was standing there, no gun in his hand, nothing. He stood as if paralyzed, and in a second Dan Suggs shot him too. Then he trotted over to the tent, got off his horse and went inside.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
The next morning she walked over to where Big Zwey sat. When he saw her coming, it seemed for a second like he might bolt, but she was too close. Instead, he sat as if paralyzed, fear in his eyes.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“Well, I hope you get back to the herd tonight, in case I’m late,” he said. “There should be somebody with some experience around.” “Oh, I don’t know,” Augustus said. “It’s time that outfit got a little practice in doing without us. They probably think the sun won’t come up unless you’re there to allow it.” Rather than re-argue yet another old argument, Call turned the Hell Bitch. Even experienced men were apt to flounder badly in crises if they lacked leadership. He had seen highly competent men stand as if paralyzed in a crisis, though once someone took command and told them what to do they might perform splendidly. A loose group like the Hat Creek outfit wouldn’t even know how to decide who was to decide, if both he and Gus were gone.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Augustus noticed Call standing off to one side, looking blue. Once in a while Call would fall into blue spells—times when he seemed almost paralyzed by doubts he never voiced. The blue spells never came at a time of real crisis. Call thrived on crisis. They were brought on by little accidents, like the wagon breaking.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“We’ve not met,” Call said, touching his hat but not looking at the woman. He didn’t want to get angry at Jake in front of all the hands, and all but Dish and the two Rainey boys were lounging around eating their evening meal. Or, at least, they had been lounging. Now they were sitting as stiffly as if they were in church. Some looked paralyzed. For a moment the only sound in the camp was the jingle of a bit as the woman’s horse slung its head.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
To the embarrassment of everyone, Sean O’Brien began to cry. It had been an extremely tense night, and he hadn’t expected to survive it. All during the ride he had expected to fall off his horse and become paralyzed. He associated paralysis with falls because a cousin of his had fallen off a cottage he was thatching and had been paralyzed ever since.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Now he was hearing it, standing with his shirttail half tucked in, while someone else was making it with Lorena. Memories of her body mingled with the sound, causing such a painful feeling in Dish’s breast that for a second he couldn’t move. He felt almost paralyzed, doomed to stand in the heat beneath the very room he had been hoping to enter himself. She was part of the sound—he knew just what chords she contributed to the awful music. Anger began to fill him, and for a moment its object was Xavier Wanz, who could at least have seen that Lorena had a cotton-tick mattress instead of those scratchy cornshucks, which weren’t even comfortable to sleep on.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
The passengers hold tight, paralyzed. Nash buckles himself into his seat.
>> 侏罗纪公园3 Jurassic Park 3 (2001) Movie Script
I feel paralyzed around her.
>> 超级人生 The Ultimate Life (2013) Movie Script
We RUSH IN on Zacky, who is paralyzed by what he sees.
>> 大鱼 Big Fish (2003) Movie Script
671. Having checked the parameters of the apparatus, the paralyzed parasite went to the paradise by parachute.
>> 800句帮助你记相似单词的句子
Paralyzed. Face bloodless.
>> 终结者The Terminator Movie Script
The mother stands paralyzed, unable to breathe.
>> 终结者The Terminator Movie Script
You can see how the pectoral muscles became paralyzed.
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The men are stunned— paralyzed by fear until SANCHEZ pulls an UZI from a holster and fires a volley at THE BAT-MAN.
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Ozzie says he's probably paralyzed.
>> A Time to Kill Movie Script
He's paralyzed.
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