

CLOSE ON MICHAEL; the feel of it reassures him. Then he breaks it loose from the tape holding it; he takes a deep breath and shoves it under his waistband. For some unexplainable reason he hesitates once again, deliberately washes his hands and dries them. Then he goes out.>>完整场景
209 EXT./INT. LAND CRUISER - MOMENTS LATER 209 Gordy gets the grenade from the tool box. He slides it just inside the top of his pants, with the spoon hookedover the waistband. He finds some wire. Then searches for something else. Finds a piece of string and checksits length. From Gordy's reaction, we understand it'stoo short.>>完整场景
EXT. APRON, OSLO AIRPORT – CONTINUOUS The plane is TOWED back onto the taxiway and lifts its engines, easing forward... INT. TRANSPORT PLANE – CONTINUOUS Rohan SLASHES the restraining straps – CROUCHES behind the pile of gold – pulls out a GRENADE – GRABS the nearest gold bar and STUFFS it into his waistband before PULLING THE PIN... INT. VAULTS, FREEPORT – CONTINUOUS The Staff Member shows Neil and the Protagonist into a vault.>>完整场景
Moss is crossing to a back bedroom. Before he disappears inside Carla Jean sees the pistol stuck in the back of his waistband.>>完整场景
Cinquanta turns and walks outside, leaving Paul alone. Paul spits out the morsel. He takes out the Bic pen and the boxof matches hidden inside the waistband of his pants.>>完整场景