n. 环境;布置;安装;沉落
- ‘1:
- 06’... Hearing BEEPS, Ives looks up. THE LOCK is open – EXT. HYPOCENTRE RIDGE, STALSK-12 – CONTINUOUS Neil RACES up the slope to the ridge – through the MINEFIELD, setting off personnel mines in his wake, NARROWLY AVOIDING RUNNING HIMSELF OVER... EXT. PRIVATE DECK, SATOR’S YACHT – EVENING As Kat pours him a drink, Sator looks out at the glowing horizon, fiddling with the silver pill... he POINTS –>> 信条Tenet Movie Script
- Power switches to fail-safe, sealing outer doors, but inner doors revert to factory settings and pickable locks. Child’s play, really.>> 信条Tenet Movie Script
- Setting records fast and furious.>> 硅之牛仔Silicon Cowboys Movie Script
- As the Bride has said these things, WE'VE seen INSERTS of her putting together her high-powered scope rifle. Snapping on the scope sight. Setting the FOCUS through the CROSSHAIRS.>> 杀死比尔Kill Bill Movie Script
- INT. GAIL'S APARTMENT -- NIGHT In the kitchen, two SURVEILLANCE OFFICERS of the Policia di Stato are setting up a large reel-to-reel tape recorder onthe table and connecting it to the telephone.>> 金钱世界 All the Money in the World Movie Script
- Setting harness for test mode. Waiting for second pilot.>> Pacific Rim 环太平洋 Movie Script
- I didn't leave you. Beat. She becomes silent. Anna falls back into deep sleep, her arm slides down. SOMETHING SHINY FALLS OUT AND ROLLS ON THE GROUND. Malcolm's eyes watch as it comes to a stop... Beat. He gazes curiously at a GOLD WEDDING BAND laying on the wood floor.Confusion washes over his face. He looks to Anna's hand... An identical gold wedding ring sits on her finger. Beat. Malcolm looks down at his own hand... HIS WEDDING RING IS GONE. Malcolm is completely lost. He takes a couple steps back. Looks around in confusion... His eyes come to rest on the door to his basement office. He looks in disbelief at the set of DEAD BOLT LOCKS on the door. Malcolm doesn't know what the hell's going on... His eyes are drawn to the dining table... Only ONE PLACE SETTING is out on the tabletop. His eyes search again -- they finally lock on the WEDDING VIDEO PLAYING. Malcolm watches images of himself on the screen... His eyes fill with a storm of emotions... Malcolm looks to Anna's face and becomes very still. Beat. CLOSE ON ANNA... TILL HER SLEEPING FACE FILLS THE FRAME... IT'S NOW WE NOTICE FOR THE FIRST TIME, THAT ANNA'S BREATHS ARE FORMING TINY CLOUDS IN THE COLD AIR.>> The Sixth Sense 灵异第六感 Movie Script
INT. RESTAURANT - EVENING Malcolm hurriedly enters a spacious, dimly-lit Italian restaurant. He stops in the dining room and searches the many candle-lit tables. He finds Anna. Anna sits alone at a corner table. The remains of her half-eaten dinner lay on the only place setting on the table. A small PIECE OF CAKE WITH A CANDLE in it sits untouched. Anna stirs sugar in her coffee as Malcolm sits in the seat across from her. She gently stops stirring, but doesn't look up. Beat.>> The Sixth Sense 灵异第六感 Movie Script- CUT TO:
INT. DINING TABLE - EVENING Malcolm stares down at the remains of a meal on the only place setting on the table.>> The Sixth Sense 灵异第六感 Movie Script- CUT TO:
INT. DINING ROOM - EVENING Two place settings are arranged on the living room coffee table. Take-out Chinese food sits half eaten on good china. An empty bottle of red wine sits between boxes of Chinese food. Anna arrives with the backup bottle and is now wearing a sweater. She hands a collegiate rowing team sweatshirt to Malcolm.>> The Sixth Sense 灵异第六感 Movie Script
内景:餐厅-晚上,客厅咖啡桌上有两个位置。外卖中国菜在好瓷器上吃了一半。一瓶空红酒放在一盒盒中国食物之间。安娜带着备用瓶来了,现在穿着毛衣。她递给马尔科姆一件学院赛艇队运动衫。- JOE:
- No. Quince nods anxiously, then smiles gratefully. They look on as the pre-party activities swirl on around them. EXT. FRONT ENTRANCE, COUNTRY ESTATE - SUNSET (LATER) The moment just before sunset, the last pre-party minutes, a procession of guests' cars winding up to the guest house, being directed into adjacent fields. Susan cuts past a re- ceiving line that files up the stairs, she skirts the house and heads straight for the action, the party on the lawns in the rear, climbs a terrace where she commands a view of the event on which the curtain is just about to rise.EXT. LAWN, COUNTRY ESTATE - SUNSET Guests milling, emerging from the crowd Susan sees, isolated by a fountain, Joe. He looks up towards her, he knows she has seen him, they proceed to a rendezvous that has not been prearranged but which they intuit. Susan slants through the guests, stopping here and there, excited greetings and cha- tter float on the wind, "He, Susie!", "What a party", "You look great", she keeps moving, a shimmering wraith. Joe is on the right coordinate to meet her, his graceful, unfailing step carrying him speedily to a destination he is not certain of, but where he knows he will find Susan. EXT. GARDEN, COUNTRY ESTATE - SUNSET The very last rays of the sun setting over the wide expanse of river, the light catching Susan and Joe as they enter the garden, the party forming behind them, the river flowing in front of them.>> 第六感生死缘Meet Joe Black Movie Script
- What would you say if you knew it was me who brought down Bill Parrish? (a moment) I told Drew and the Board that Bill depended on you. Drew led me on, but I had no business telling him in the first place. He was setting up Bill from day one. Drew and Bontecou are going to chop up the company and sell it off for parts. Bontecou was outside, Drew was Mr. Inside. And I was the fool who made it all happen. Oh God, what do I do? Joe regards Quince.>> 第六感生死缘Meet Joe Black Movie Script
- Both. Joe appears, looking bewildered, jostled by caterers setting up last-minute tables, a drummer from the band rolls his traps past on a little cart. Joe doesn't seem to know where he is, when his eyes alight on Quince, he heads for this oasis. Ambrose sets down two bottles of wine and departs. QUINCE (cont'd) (to Joe) Red or white?>> 第六感生死缘Meet Joe Black Movie Script