n. 短柄小斧
- “Where on earth, I meant,” Call said, feeling weary. He wondered what had possessed a minister and a boy to run off their horses, each plainly branded. It struck him as a stupid and pointless crime, for they were driving the horses north, where there were no towns and no ranches. It was clear the two were poor, and the old man out of his head. Call could tell the hands were glum at the prospect of hanging such a pair, and he himself didn’t relish it, but they were horse- thieves and he felt he had no choice. His own distaste for the prospect caused him to make a mistake,he didn’t immediately tie the old man, who seemed so weak he could hardly stand. He was not too weak, though, to snatch up a hatchet and strike a blow at Needle that would have killed him had not Needle jerked back as it was, the blade of the hatchet tore a bad cut in his arm. Call shot the old man before he could strike again. The boy took off running across the open prairie. He was easily caught, of course, but by the time he was tied and led back the old man was dead. The boy sat down in the thin snow and wept.
“我的意思是,在地球上的什么地方,”Call疲惫地说。他想知道是什么驱使一个牧师和一个男孩从他们的马上跑下来的,每个人都有明显的烙印。他觉得这是一种愚蠢而毫无意义的罪行,因为他们正把马向北赶,那里没有城镇,也没有牧场。很明显,这两个人都很穷,老人也疯了。Call可以看出他们的手对挂这样一双感到沮丧,他自己也不喜欢,但他们是偷马贼,他觉得自己别无选择。他自己对前景的厌恶导致了他犯了一个错误,他没有立即绑住那个看起来虚弱得几乎站不住的老人。不过,他还不至于太虚弱,就可以拿起一把斧头向Needle打一拳,如果不是Needle猛地后退,斧头的刀刃在他的手臂上划出了一道严重的伤口,那他早就没命了。那个老人还没来得及再动手,Call就开枪打死了他。男孩跑过开阔的草原,很容易就被抓住了,但当他被绑起来并被带回来时,老人已经死了。男孩在薄雪中坐下哭泣。>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇- “Sobriety, if you guzzle enough of it,” Augustus said. “I expect it’s just whiskey and syrup.” The wagon itself was in such poor repair that they decided to leave it sit. Call broke up the tailgate and made a little marker for Jake’s grave, scratching his name on it with a pocketknife by the light of the old man’s lantern. He hammered the marker into the loose-packed dirt with the blunt side of a hatchet they had found in the wagon. Augustus trotted over, bringing Call his mare.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- JORDAN (V.O.) A total f***ing hatchet job.>> 华尔街之狼 The Wolf of Wall Street Movie Script