词汇:Jewish [ˈdʒuːɪʃ]

adj. 犹太人的;犹太族的


A handful of Jewish fighters are lined up and shot.
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At ground level, Jewish fighters try to fight their way out and are mowed down.
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The SS guards shout orders for the Jewish column to move off. Szpilman seems as if he's going to join them, but at the last moment turns and falls in with the Polish workers, beside Barczak, who just glances at him then moves so that Szpilman is in the middle of the group.
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INT./EXT. STORES AND BUILDING SITE - EVENING The Jewish workers lined up to get their potatoes and bread.
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EXT. STREET LEADING TO GHETTO - NIGHT Freezing cold. The Jewish workers, with their bundles of potatoes and bread, march back towards the ghetto gates escorted by the two Polish policemen. In the column, Szpilman, near the policeman with the moustache, and a little behind them, Majorek. Distant sounds of gunfire.
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INT. JEWISH BARRACKS - NIGHT A small room with several three-tiered bunk beds. The sound of men's heavy breathing and snoring.
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EXT. STREET LEADING TO GHETTO - NIGHT The Jewish workers, all carrying their parcels of potatoes and bread, march back towards the ghetto gates escorted by two Polish policemen. Szpilman walks beside them. Ahead of him, Majorek near the front of the column.
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INT./EXT. STORES AND BUILDING SITE - NIGHT Szpilman and a Jewish worker distribute the potatoes to the other Jewish workers lined up with empty containers of various kinds. There are scales on the table, and they weigh out five kilos of potatoes, pour them into the men's containers and drop in a loaf of bread.
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EXT. BUILDING SITE - DAY Snow. Majorek pulls a barrow by a rope attached to its shaft across the site. On the barrow, five sacks. The Jewish workers are phased to see him.
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The Jewish workers start to assemble on the site in haphazard ranks as an SS Captain strides in.
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EXT. GHETTO STREET - DAY As before, Szpilman and Benek march towards the ghetto gates in the demolition column, four abreast, under the command of the Jewish foremen and guarded by the two German policemen.
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The German policemen wander over to one of the stalls to buy fruit. The moment they do so two Jewish workers scamper across to another stall to buy bread.
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EXT. GHETTO STREET - DAY In bright sun, Szpilman and Benek march in a column, four abreast, under the command of two Jewish foremen, guarded by two German policemen. They are being marched out of the ghetto gates.
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EXT. STREET BY THE SIDING - DAY Szpilman catches his breath by a building. An SS man and Jewish policeman emerge. The Jewish policeman is servile, crawling to the German. He points to the train - JEWISH POLICEMAN Well, off they go for meltdown!
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Szpilman stumbles, falls to the ground, in front of him the closed ranks of the Jewish policemen's backs.
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A scuffle as Szpilman tries to resist. Another Jewish policeman shoves him.
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A Jewish policeman grabs Szpilman by his collar and pulls him back out of the police cordon. It's Heller. The rest of the family have reached the next truck to be filled.
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The Szpilmans are pushed along by SS men along the cordon of Jewish policemen, past loaded trucks.
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A cordon of Jewish policeman and SS guards. Among the great throng of people, the Szpilmans trudge towards the train.
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A cordon of Jewish policemen and SS guards are, almost surreptitiously, ringing the compound.
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JEWISH POLICEMAN #1 You're going to work. You'll be much better off than in this stinking ghetto. The gates are The gates are opened.
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(to a Jewish policeman) Where will we be going?
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EXT. STREET LEADING TO UMSCHLAGPLATZ - MORNING Hot, fine summer's day. Jews, among them Szpilman, Mother, Regina and father, clutching their meagre belongings, walk towards wooden gates and come to a halt. Jewish policemen approach and order the people about, pushing and shoving them into line.
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Other Jews stand ready to start sorting the load, among them the Szpilman family. Shupos and Jewish policemen supervise.
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