
n. 侏儒;极小者


INT. THE LAUNCH OF THE MIDGET SUB - NIGHT We see the sub surface, and the sailor exit the main hatch of the big sub, then force himself through the tiny hatch of the midget sub.>>完整场景
INT. BUNK AREA OF SUB, BETWEEN TORPEDOES - NIGHT The sailor who will drive the midget sub completes his ceremonial sponge bath, and places a handwritten letter on his personal shrine.>>完整场景
Prepare to launch midget sub.>>完整场景
EXT. UNDER THE SURFACE OF THE PACIFIC - NIGHT A Japanese submarine with a midget sub attached to its hull runs silently toward Pearl Harbor.>>完整场景
“I expect to find him down around San Antonio,” July said. “I believe he has friends there.” Roscoe had to snort at that remark. “That’s right,” he said. “Two of the most famous Texas Rangers that ever lived, that’s his friends. July will be lucky not to get hung himself. If you ask me, Jake Spoon ain’t worth it.” “It’s nothing to do with what he’s worth,” Peach said. “Ben was the one who was worth it. He was my husband and July’s brother and the mayor of this town. Who else do you think seen to it your salary got paid?”“The salary I get don’t take much seeing to,” Roscoe said. “A dern midget could see to it.” At thirty dollars a month he considered himself grievously underpaid.>>完整场景
It's times like these I appreciate being a midget.>>完整场景
I am messing with a pencil-neck midget, I believe.>>完整场景
There's you, there's Giorgio... what's with the midget over here?>>完整场景
The little fish and sake bar is the definition of the word cozy. Besides The Bride, the only other person inside is The SUSHI CHEF, who smiles at her behind the midget bar.>>完整场景