
adj. 金色的,黄金般的;金制的;珍贵的


INT. CATHOLIC CHURCH - MOVING CLOSE SHOT - DAY A nine year old boy, dressed immaculately in white, with a large white silk bow tied to his shoulder, moving slowly down the aisle of the church with a group of other children dressed in white. He has dark black hair, and his face is unmistakably similar to young Vito's. He moves slowly, his hands clasped around a golden missal. We HEAR only the pure voice of Vito in Sicilian, his sad song reaching out from the past, as ANTHONY CORLEONE, his Grandson, moves on the way to his First Holy Communion more than fifty years later.>>完整场景
(click) She slams the phone down; just as CARLO is coming out of the bathroom drying his golden body.>>完整场景
San De has an ornately embroidered golden box in his hand, and he is showing it to Drew.>>完整场景
The dust their running horses kicked up was turned golden by the sun. No doubt they were just off the trail and couldn’t wait for a taste of Dodge—the very taste he had just vomited up. The last sunlight filtered through the settling dust behind the cowboys’ horses.>>完整场景
But when he raised up on one elbow to look at her in the fresh light, the urge to discourage her went away. It was a weakness, but he could not bear to disappoint women, even if it was ultimately for their own good. At least he couldn’t disappoint them to their faces. Leaving them was his only out, and he knew he wasn’t ready to leave Lorie. Her beauty blew the sleep right out of his brain, and all she was doing was looking out a window, her long golden hair spilling over her shoulders. She wore an old threadbare cotton shift that should have been thrown away long ago. She didn’t own a decent dress, and had nothing to show her beauty to advantage, yet most of the men on the border would ride thirty miles just to sit in a saloon and look at her. She had the quality of not yet having really started her life—her face had a freshness unusual in a woman who had been sporting for a while. The thought struck him that the two of them might do well in San Francisco, if they could just get there. There were men of wealth there, and Lorie’s beauty would soon attract them.>>完整场景
The image changes, to another close-up, this one of a tree branch, its bark glistening with golden sap. Mr. DNA leaps on the sap.>>完整场景
In hushed tones the BBC commentator paints a picture for the world, as you stand at the altar divested of your robes. Trumpets echo through the Abbey. The incessant rain clears miraculously as a shaft of sun streams through the stained-glass window catching your golden tunic and bathing you in light like a mediaeval knight. And you are King!>>完整场景
"Had I the heavens' embroidered cloths Enwrought with golden and silver light, The bbb..." Gets stuck.>>完整场景
ROSALYN ROSENFELD I would do it in all black and gold and I would do this bar like a big, warm golden mirror.>>完整场景
For an American set of eyes looking at this, you were just like, "Well, my gosh, "China really is this golden land of rapid economic growth." I really thought, "Well, jeez, you know, "the American century is over now.>>完整场景
- Making my golden list.>>完整场景
- My golden list.>>完整场景
- I'm, uh... making my golden list.>>完整场景
It’s dawn, and the first golden glow is shining through thevertical blinds.>>完整场景
Through the golden pollen hanging in the air, we RISE UP tosee the shack is now THE LOVELY HOUSE we saw before. It’s tiny and white, with black shutters anda steep roof. A white picket fence. In every detail it isimpossibly charming.>>完整场景
She stands in the river with her bare back to Edward, squeezing the water out of her golden hair, oblivious to his presence. Edward is breathless. It’s the first woman he’s seen in her natural state, and he doesn’t dare move lest hefrighten her away.>>完整场景
They used to be merely little golden objects in the sky that set lazy men to idle dreaming.>>完整场景
It's the master key. The golden ticket.>>完整场景
I'll be your wife, golden tortoise.>>完整场景
Since I've lost my chastity, I'll marry you, golden chicken.>>完整场景
79 EXT. CHATEAU POOL AREA - DAY 79 As Johnny and Cleo leave the pool area, she stops at someone’s golden retriever puppy.>>完整场景
- How'd you get a golden pass?>>完整场景
Here lies Duncan, his silver skin laced with his golden blood.>>完整场景
Come, thick night, and pall thee in the dunnest smoke of hell, that my keen knife see not the wound it makes, nor heaven peep through the blanket of the dark to cry, "Hold, hold!" Hie thee hither that I may pour my spirits in thine ear and chastise with the valour of my tongue all that impedes thee from the golden round.>>完整场景
The goose that laid the golden egg was locked up.>>完整场景