n. 风景,景色;山水画
- 296EXT -- TRAVELING SHOT -- DAY (1967) 296 A gorgeous New England landscape whizzes by, fields and trees a blur of motion. ANGLE SHIFTS to reveal a Greyhound Sceni- Cruiser barreling up the road, pulling abreast of us. CAMERA TRAVELS from window to window, passing faces. We finally come to Red gazing out at the passing landscape.>> 肖申克的救赎Shawshank Redemption Movie Script
- 228EXT -- SHAWSHANK PRISON -- WIDE SHOT -- DAY (1966) 228 Virgin landscape. Charming rural road. Suddenly, State Police cruisers rocket up the road with SIRENS AND LIGHTS.
228外景——长沙监狱——广角——白天(1966年)228圣母景观。迷人的乡村道路。突然,州警察巡逻车鸣笛开道。>> 肖申克的救赎Shawshank Redemption Movie Script- RED (V.O.) It's as good a thing to bet on as any, I guess. I had my money on Andy Dufresne... 18INT -- ANDY'S CELL -- NIGHT (1947) 18 The bars slam home. Andy is alone in his cell, clutching his clothes. He gazes around at his new surroundings, taking it in. He slowly begins to dress himself... 19EXT -- SHAWSHANK PRISON -- NIGHT (1947) 19 A malignant stone growth on the Maine landscape. The moon hangs low and baleful in a dead sky. The headlight of a PASSING TRAIN cuts through the night.>> 肖申克的救赎Shawshank Redemption Movie Script
- The camera booms up to frame the barren west Texas landscape outside the window of this isolated cabin. A pickup truck is approaching, trailing dust. The cat reenters frame outside, running across the rutted gravel in front of the house as the pickup slows.>> 老无所依No Country for Old Men Movie Script
- His point-of-view:
- a lot of landscape, a highway in the distance. An eighteen-wheeler shimmies along in the heat.>> 老无所依No Country for Old Men Movie Script
- EXT. RISE NEAR BASIN - MINUTES LATER Moss tops a rise. He scans the landscape below.>> 老无所依No Country for Old Men Movie Script
- On the door slam we cut to Texas highway racing under the lens, the landscape flat to the horizon. The siren whoops.>> 老无所依No Country for Old Men Movie Script
- EXT. WEST TEXAS ROAD - DAY The last landscape, hard sunbaked prairie, is surveyed in a long slow pan.>> 老无所依No Country for Old Men Movie Script
- EXT. WEST TEXAS LANDSCAPE - DAWN/DAY We dissolve to another West Texas landscape. Sun is rising.>> 老无所依No Country for Old Men Movie Script
- EXT. CALABRIAN LANDSCAPE -- DAY The two men carry Paul's body across the sun-bleached, rockylandscape out of a Sergio Leone movie. Paul's arms and legshave been tied off; his head is inside a burlap sack.>> 金钱世界 All the Money in the World Movie Script
- EXT. AMERICAN LANDSCAPE -- DAY As we soar over the American intercontinental highway, SERVICESTATIONS materialize out of nowhere, dotting the landscape, all bearing the Getty name.>> 金钱世界 All the Money in the World Movie Script