vt. 讲;说明;指明;假设;例如;声称
- We read the world wrong and say that it deceives us.
我们看错了世界,说它欺骗了我们。>> Stray Birds- Never say die.>> 16. Slang in Tour Guiding
- You can say it again.
对极了。。。。。(你可以再说一遍。)>> 16. Slang in Tour Guiding- I'd like to say a few words about Chinese money.>> 11 Introduce Chinese Currency
- The weather report says the temperature is lower tomorrow.>> 10 Talking about weather
- Marrying somebody to change them is crazy, and I would say hiring somebody to change them is just as crazy. And becoming partners with them to change them is crazy.>> we make silk purses out of silk
- 1.难点练习答案 A 1 which 2 denied 3 fetched4 too 5 jobs 6 One…a…who 7 past 8 next 9 watching 10 continually 11 remarked 12 robbed B (sample sentences)I'm sorry to cause you such trouble. Have you ever seen such beautiful pictures before? It's such a nice day that we can'tstay indoors! I'm feeling so tired that I shall have to stop work. C 1 He had no sooner come home than they rang him up from the office. 2 The plane had no sooner taken off than it returned to the airport. D 1 made 2 do 3 make 4 do 5 Do 6 make 7 made8 does E 1 out 2 up 3 up 4 up…away 5 up 6 out 7 back 8 up with 9 up with F (sample sentences) If you don't stop that noise at once, you'll have to go to bed. I'm at a loss to know what to do. It's stopped raining at last! He's very busy and can't accept any more work at present. I'll be at home tonight. 2.多项选择题答案 1. c 根据课文第3-4行 I tried to say something, but my mouth was full of cotton wool 可判断只有c. There was something in his mouth 最符合课文的真实情况,这也是作者不能讲话的唯一原因,其他3个选择都不是原因,所以只能选c. 2. b 根据课文第8-10行I suddenly felt very worried,…when the dentist at last removed the cotton wool… I was able to tell him that he had pulled out the wrong tooth 可以判断b. he thought the dentist had pulled out the wrong tooth 是作者着急的唯一原因,其他3个选择都不是他着急的原因,所以选b. 3. c 只有选c. cannot 才能使句子同前一句It is impossible for him to answer.(他是不可能回答的)意义相同,所以c.是正确答案.a. might not 与d .may not 都不符合题目意思. b. could not 时态不对. 4. b 本句是将前一句中表示命令请求的间接引语变成了直接引语(祈使句)。 a. To rest 是动词不定式,不能做祈使句的谓语; c. Do you rest是疑问句,不能表示请求; d. Resting 是动名词也不能做祈使句的谓语; 只有b. Rest 可以做祈使句的谓语,所以选b. 5. a 本句是将前一句中的间接疑问句...how my brother was 变成直接疑问句,因此时态和语序都要作相应改变。 b. your brother was, c. your brother is 都不是疑问句语序,所以都不对。 d. was your brother 语序正确,但时态不对:间接引语是过去时,直接引语应该是现在时才正确。只有a. is your brother 语序和时态都正确,所以应该选a. 6. c 这是一个疑问句,a. It likes you , b. Does it like you 和d. Like you 这3个选择都意思不通,不符合题目意思,只有c. Do you like 意思通顺,符合疑问句语序,因此只能选c. 7. b 介词by 后面加动名词可以表示方式。 本句只能选b. nodding(点头),因为它是动名词,可以放在by 后面作方式状语。 其他3个选择都不能放在介词by 后面,所以选b. 8. b 本句需要选一个同前一句中时间短语for a while (一会儿)意义相同的短语。a. quietly (安静地),c. while he spoke to me (当他跟我说话时),d. for a long time (很久)这3个选择都与for a while 的意义不符。 只有b. for a short time (短时间)同for a while 的含义相同,因此选b. 9. d a. assembly (集会,聚会),b. gathering (聚集,收集抽象的东西,如消息等),c. congregation (聚集,聚合) , d. collection (收集,收藏如邮票,硬币等),只有d最适合这个句子,其他3个选择都不能与火柴盒连用,所以选d. 10. a 前一句 I nodded(我点头)表示同意,只有a. agreed (同意)才是这一动作所表达的含义。b. said no (说不),c. shouted (高喊),d. whispered (耳语) 这3个选择都不是nodded所表达的含义,所以选a. 11. b 本句需要选出同前一句中的Meanwhile(同时)意义相同的词或短语。 a. However(不过,然而);b. In the mean time(同时);c. Never the less(尽管如此,不过);d. Although(虽然);这4个选择中只有b.同Meanwhile 的意义相同,所以选b. 12. c a. took it off (脱下),b. took it in (理解),c. took it out (取出),和d. took it up (从事于)4个选择中只有c. took it out 同前一句He removed the cotton wool from my mouth(他将药棉从我嘴里取出)的含义相同,所以选c.>> 48-Did You Want to Tell Me Something?
- But what counts in speaking is not what you say, but what the other person says to you.In other words when you get involved in conversation, what counts is the input that you can stimulate from other people.So I'm in favor of students speaking but we have to understand it makes an indirect: a helpful, but indirect contribution to language acquisition.>> comprehensible input - One way only one way to acquire a language
- Let's work on initial consonants. 'Say bah.look at my lips!'Again, no response.There was a theory going around then, that a a lot of people still believe that children don't really want to acquire language , you have to kind of force it out of them.So I tried that: I won't give you the ball until you say ball.That didn't work either. No matter what i said , Itomi wouldn't speak.She didn't say anything the first week, she didn't say anything the second week, the first month, the second month, five months until she started to speak.Actually, that's not entirely true.>> comprehensible input - One way only one way to acquire a language
- So I remember going up to the little girl next door.she was four years old. her name was Itomi. And I didn't know about this material on language acquisition. Nobody did.And I thought that the way you get people to acquire language is you get them to practice talking. So I tried to get her to talk. so I'd say: 'Itomi, talk to me!' 'Say good morning','say hi', No response.Well, clearly, I've decided , I've got to make this more concrete."Itomi, say ball", No response.Well obviously, I've got to break it down into its component parts.>> comprehensible input - One way only one way to acquire a language
- On the other hand, we were in a German class and we could hang together for a couple of weeks. say an hour a day of German, and I could keep the input light and lively. as in the second example.you'd start to acquire German.It would come on its own. And eventually you'd start to talk, your speaking ability would emerge gradually.>> comprehensible input - One way only one way to acquire a language
- We acquire language when we understand what people tell us. Not how they say it, but what they say. Or when we understand what we read.>> comprehensible input - One way only one way to acquire a language
- I have something to say.>> Some business dialogue sentences
- Let me just say something.>> Some business dialogue sentences
- You've been sitting here very quietly, don't you have anything to say?>> Some business dialogue sentences
- I don't wanna talk about it. Let's disregard what she says..Please concentrate on this.
我不想谈这件事。让我们不管她说什么。。请集中精力。>> Some business dialogue sentences- 3:
- Finally, encourage by asking a question and letting them take the lead in the conversation. For example, you might say, "I imagine it's far more pleasant this time of year. Do you usually stay in the center of Paris?">> ARE chat formula
- The reason that people struggle with small talk is simply not knowing what to say or how to say it.>> ARE chat formula
- recite; repeat from memory; say by heart>> Lesson 16 A Polite Request
- (a beat) Sam called me. From Tri-tech. He says you start working for them next week.>> Good Will Hunting (1997)Movie Script
- (from across the table) What'd you say about me?>> Good Will Hunting (1997)Movie Script
- He used to just put a belt, a stick and a wrench on the kitchen table and say "choose.">> Good Will Hunting (1997)Movie Script
- So what's it say?>> Good Will Hunting (1997)Movie Script
- Something you want to say?>> Good Will Hunting (1997)Movie Script
- A beat. Will says nothing.>> Good Will Hunting (1997)Movie Script